Valentine special <3

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This special is not part of the actual storyline. This is a chapter based on how Valentines would've gone if Baekhyun wasn't the son of a Mafia boss and just a normal teen. This is like two years old before I even knew about Blue Blood and the Royals forming so it's just fluff and comedy that I wrote in the spirits of love! Uploading it super late but-

Enjoy :)


"Do you think he'll like it?"

"I think he'll like anything you give him. Literally put dirt in a bag and give it to him. He'll say something poetic about true love."


"I'm serious. That boy is on his knees, ready to marry you."

Baekhyun covered his face at the direct statement. His face tainted red, and he squirmed in place, trying to get the image of the tallboy out of his head. He looked down at the bracelet matching the one on his wrist and sighed.

"Maybe I shouldn't do this. We aren't even dating- there's no reason for me to-"

"Baek. Wrap that gift up. 'We aren't even dating' my ass-"

"But we aren't!"

"Well, he has his tongue down your throat every chance he gets. If that's not dating then- I'm beyond lost."

Baekhyun rubbed his face and shook his head with flushed cheeks. "Lu. He obviously doesn't want a relationship. Every time I bring it up, he changes the conversation. I'll feel like an idiot bringing this gift when he was just looking for a friends-with-benefits relationship." Luhan sighed and held his best friend's shoulders before aggressively moving him back and forth. He knows everything will turn out perfect. He knows the giant isn't just using his best friend. He's had this conversation with him before, and he knows damn well... someone who is just looking for a good time will not be on the verge of tears because of a simple misunderstanding. Luhan knows how both sides feel, so he can only hope the taller has someone as persistent as he is to make him go on with this plan.


"Just bring it. It's small, and it fits in your bag just fine. Hide it in your locker, and if he's an ass and doesn't approach you... then leave the gift in your locker. You won't entertain shit like that but just in case, so YOU don't look like an ass, bring the gift."

Baekhyun let out a disappointed exhale. He knew the older was right. He knew having the gift as a choice was only going to fill his hopes to the rim of the cup, but... it was worth a try.


"Great! So you're staying tonight, and I'll do your makeup tomorrow morning?"

"Lu, we have practice. I don't want to wear it-"

"A little eyeliner won't hurt- OH, WE SHOULD DEFINITELY DO YOUR HAIR RIGHT NOW!"

"It's like almost midnight-"

"It'll take 30 minutes max. If Chanyeol isn't drooling over you tomorrow, someone else will definitely make a move."

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