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-Chapter 1: Awkward-

My legs were wobbling under the long desk.
Amanda and Alesha just sat there like nothing could affect them.
Simon just sat, Perfectly handsome and emotionless as usual.

God Dave stop thinking like that you pervert..

I kicked my ankle underneath the Judges desk.
Or so I thought it was me...
Alesha kicked my ankle and nudged my shoulder.
I turned to face her, plastering a funny face over my emotionless one, I whispered and asked what she wanted.
She whispered shouted very quietly, "did you just hear what Simon said?!"  My eye brow raised in confusion and stared at her like she was mad.
She made me read her lips, Something along the lines of,
'Ill talk to you when the shows over in 5 minutes. My dressing room.'
I just turned and kept watching the Middle-aged woman who was on stage humiliating herself.
I had never thought boringly of anyone who has been on stage, but today has just been really shit.
After this morning, I was in such a good mood. I had dressed myself in a proper blue tuxedo, Simons favourite. I jelled my hair back, some curls bouncing forward but I paid it no mind.
I strolled out of the house, my hips bucking and I had a large smirk on my face. A true diva!

I finally arrived at the theatre and was sliding my keycard in the back entrance when I saw something that would ruin my entire day.
Simon standing with his arms around Some woman's waist, kissing her passionately.
I cringed and a tear slipped down my cheek.
More tears spread down my face and A lump formed in my throat, causing me to cough loudly, making Simon jump back and see me standing there crying. I turned and sped-walked off, far away from them.

Even thinking about it made me jump back in my seat and causing Amanda, Alesha and some audience around me to stare and some laugh.
I flexed and sat forward.
The act was finally over, She got three red buzzers.
She sighed and left the stage.
Every now and then, I could feel Simons eyes on me.
I just masked my face with a smile every time and laughed at Alesha.

I sat with my head in my hands as the next few acts went by very slowly.

The camera crew left , Simon and Amanda stood up and got escorted to their dressing rooms with Ant & Dec.
Alesha walked forward and took my arm, she smiled reassuringly and squeezed my arm reassuringly.
I felt some self pride and strolled with her backstage.
She closed the door and sat infront of me, I was sitting there emotionless.

"What happened back there Dave? It's not like you to not laugh at anything or not give Simon a lap dance!" She laughed loudly and patted my arm at the last part.
Hearing his name kicked my heart and my shoulders started racking and I sobbed my eyes out.
Tears streamed down my face, I seen myself in her mirrors reflection.
Alesha stood and kneeled on the floor, she moved her arms around my shoulders and hugged me so tight. She was patting my back and had her head on the back of my neck.
There was a few knocks at the door, I stood and headed to Alesha's bathroom to wash my face.
I could vaguely hear A very familiar voice of Simon Cowell, I heard Alesha trying to turn him away from sitting in her room and having a cut, but he wouldn't listen to her and David just sat, kneeled down leaned against the locked door.
He listened in to Simon and Alesha, tears streaming down his face.

"Alesha I need to talk to you."
"Simon now really isn't goo-" he cut her off.
David heard him sit down , and Alesha sighed and sat down with him.
"I think I fucked up a good friendship- well maybe something more than that.. and I don't know how to fix it. Please. I really really DID fuck it all up between me and this person..."  Alesha cut him off and said, "David's in the bathroom over there."
I stood up and opened the door, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

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