Chapter 5/ Big Decisions...🤭

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He looked around at the clustered mess that He created last night with his writers block and messy contracts, papers, files and emails flung everywhere.
Simon left early that morning, his last words were "Forget this happened, please" leaving a very upset David.
But that was hours ago at like 5:31am.
David had gotten used to the one-night-stands with Simon by now and didn't really care less.
He wasn't going to tell Alesha or anyone for once.
Alesha would just cause a funny yet angry scene and then it would leak to the Paparazzi and that's never a good thing.

He flung himself out of the bed, uncomfortably.
His head ached horridly and he slowly stalked over to the open-plan doorframe.
Leaning against it, David dialled a different number on his mobile.
The familiar female high-pitched voice spoke up.
"Hello? MaryAnne adoption centre?"
"Hello...Mary-Anne.. it's me David, I believe my appointment was today? I might be a few minutes late... I just got up." David groaned tiredly, holding his phone to his mouth so he didn't have to shout.
"Oh I see... it's alright as long as you come!" She chuckled.
David wheezed tiredly again, sounding like he was laughing.
She laughed too and they conversed lightly the plan for the day.

"Why don't you arrive at 1:30pm instead of 11:15am?" She asked politely.
"That sounds nice, yeah thank you so much MaryAnne!" David had gotten more used to the morning eye-crust and sore-throat and raised his voice.

He hung up, groaned and made his way to his wardrobe, choosing the perfect outfit.
Today was a special day.
Because today , David was expressing something he always wanted to do for years.
He was going to tick off something in bold sharpie writing on his to-do list.
He had always been feeling lonely and different after the split with Lara.
After he was separated from his amazing funny little son Alfred, he had always been different.
He needed something more in his life.
He needed a female, a female person to spice things up, to help him, to snap him back to his old self , to fulfil his dream and to make a girls life change forever for the better.
He was going to adopt a Daughter.
He had already been to the Adoption agency a couple weeks prior and decided which little girl he would take.
There was one girl specifically who shined out to him.
A girl who was around 11 years old, she had lower-shoulder length golden brown hair and large brown eyes much like David's.
She was a nerdy, potter head who loved to write on this app called wattpadTM .
Her books were good, he had taken the time to check them all.
Some were funny smutty , people called David who suspiciously perfectly described David in all the right parts.
Some were about Britain's got talent!
Some about Harry Potter!
Some about Alan Rickman
Some about LGBTQ+ people!
The selection was wide and pleasing.
She had the name "Mia" but he decided to keep that name, she requested to MaryAnne if he could change her middle name and surname.
She had even said he could choose.
So he had decided on
"Mia Chloe-Amber Walliams" It may have been long, but David loved it.
He drove crazily to the centre like a mad-man, one hand on the wheel, one hand scrolling through the DailyMail website.

'David Walliams adopts child." After he had revealed he was adopting to the BGT audience, obviously it was on the Television and word had gotten out in a day.
Lara had called hundreds of times threatening him if it was true he would never see Alfred again.
That thought made him drop tears but he knew she was just angry at that time.
He turned the wheel at a pace, and parked the car.

When MaryAnne is taking David to the waiting room to collect Mia

"Is she ready?.." David asked nervously, checking that his outfit was okay.
His outfit:

MaryAnne nodded excitedly, and coughed, letting Mia slowly trod into the room, padded footsteps being heard from outdoors

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MaryAnne nodded excitedly, and coughed, letting Mia slowly trod into the room, padded footsteps being heard from outdoors.
There she stood, her hair strands between her fingers fidgeting.
Her head was down, she dropped her hands and her hair fell, being used as a curtain to hide her face.
David coughed, and slowly walked towards her.
"Are you ok?.." He asked kindly.
She looked up, her big brown eyes looking up at him in utter happiness.
"Yes.. yes I am." She spoke softly and wrapped her arms around his waist, because she couldn't quite reach anywhere higher than that.

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