The begining•

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Katerina Santiago. I'm the daughter of Pablo Santiago, leader of one of the biggest Italian mafias, The Empire. My older brother was always the best. Daniel was tall and strong. A natural born leader just like my father, but he had my mother's tenacity, silver eyes and dusty blond hair. He was the heir to the thrown.
Being a girl I wasn't expected to be the boss. But I was supposed to be the right hand woman. Because my brother had a short temper he needed me to pace things. And I was okay with that. Because our family was always together. Mom, Dad, Daniel and me. We were happy. But everything would change.

Amalfi, Italy, 2018.

I rolled over turning off my alarm, 4:00 am. I sighed realizing what day it was. Monday. I had been attending my new school for a few months, but I was still the "new girl". Didn't bother me though, it was the 6th time in my 16 years of existence. But first I had training until 6 am. So I quickly changed and headed downstairs as I wrapped my wrists.

- Good morning Bella. Said a familiar voice from behind me.
- Good morning Hunter. I answered rolling my eyes.

Hunter was an orphan, he was also Italian, my parents took him in a few months ago when they found him killing some of are men to find money for food. He has deep blue eyes and messy brown hair,, he's  only a year older than me, like my brother.

- Hunter could you not flirt with my sister, right in front of me.

Said a grumpy Daniel as we entered the training hall.

And that was our daily routine. After six months of training, missions and boring school days, Hunter asked me out, and I said yes.  As long as we didn't cross any lines my parents were fine with it. And we didn't, because I would soon find out that Hunter wasn't who he said he was...

I woke up to screaming one morning. I quickly realized it was my mom and I rushed to see her. As I entered the room, I saw my dad lying in a pool of blood, in his bed. His eyes were open and you could still see the shock in them. Tears ran down my cheeks but my face remained still. I hugged my mother tightly as I stared blankly at my father. I then heard struggling sounds coming from my brothers room. Alert, I took my dad's gun from the table and told my mom to go stay in my room. I ran through the hallway and bolted into Daniel's room.
My eyes widened as I saw Hunter stabbing him repeatedly in the chest. As my brother fell to the ground I shot at Hunter wildly, only hitting his thigh and feet. I rushed to my brothers side and he smiled weakly at me.

- Kat, he mustered.

- Daniel please, don't go. I pleaded, my voice shaking.

- I love you bunny, I know you'll be fine. I'll watch over you I promise. He turned his eyes to Hunter who was lying painfully on the floor, across the room. With the little life he had left he said. Kill that son of a bitch for me.

Those were his last words.
Within seconds the sadness and helplessness that had consumed me was taken over by rage. I picked Hunter off the floor and slammed him against the wall.

- Why.
- That's all you have to say after everything I've done. He let out a chuckle and I punched him, breaking his nose.

- Alright Bella I'll tell you. I'm from the rival Mafia, the Dead Rose. He laughed. I was sent here to take out your dad and your brother, to destroy your whole dynasty. You see Bella, this was all planned from the start, earn your family's trust. Make you fall in love with me. Anything that could weaken your guards. Of course I would never touch a woman so I'm going to leave once you let me go. He smirked, mocking me.

My jaw clenched at the thought of his intentions. I was set on making sure I would be the last person he saw. I was set on making him suffer.
I shot him the leg.

- That was for killing our men. I shot him in the thigh. That was for making my mother care for you. I shot him in the shoulder. He screamed. That, was for ruining our family. I shot him in the balls this time. That was for lying to me. I pointed the gun at his head.
- Katerina, just put down the gun we both know you can't kill me.
His words sent a shiver down my spine as I realized he would be the first of a long list of kills.

- And this, is for killing my dad and my brother.
I pulled the trigger.

The next morning, I was in a graveyard. I stood in front of three graves. I placed black roses on my brother's grave, then on my father's, and finally my mother's. She shot herself after learning what had happened.
Grandpa came over to me and gave me a hug. My father's right hand man ( Andrew Giovanni) came and kissed my head, he was like family. And his son Kyle, who was like my best friend, took me in his arms as I stood unable to move, tears flooding my face.

After that, I promised myself I would never feel helpless again.

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