The mission•

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We walk out of the elevator. Multiple bodyguards and busty blond women scurry through the halls. We walk straight towards his office. We pass through security checks easily, the gun is partially dismounted in the back of my bra. Mr.Armani greets us and welcomes us into his office. I sit quietly as the two men talk for a while.

(Kyle POV)

After a 15minute conversation on politics, we begin negotiations. Then, just on time, my phone rings. I excuse myself briefly and walk to a corner of the room where I pretend to talk to someone important (it's actually just Zayn). I watch discreetly as Mr.Armani eyes Kat hungrily. My stomach turns as he invites her into the private room he has in his office. The mission is going perfectly, but I hate it.
I wait a few minutes before going in myself, only to find myself wanting to shoot this guy even more.

It's a red room, the bass of the music is boosted and Kat sways to the beat effortlessly. As predicted, Armani sits on his bed, facing her.

She feels my presence behind her and takes it as a cue to begin stripping. She unzips her bodysuit, dragging it slowly, stopping just before her bellybutton. She turns her eyes to me.

-Would you mind helping me Sir? My jaw ticks but I smirk in response anyways.

I grab the back of her collar, pulling it down to reveal her to Mr. Armani in only a black, lacy bra.

-How about the bra too sweetheart? A turned on middle aged man saying that, sounds so wrong.

She giggles and asks me for help. Meaning it's time for this guy to sleep.

I quickly assemble the gun with the silencer and shoot him over Kat's shoulder. He falls onto the bed, he's dead: mission accomplished.

I take her shoulders and turn her to me, making sure to focus only on her eyes.

-We are, never, doing anything like that, ever again. I say seriously.

The smallest smile comes to her lips.

-Why is that? She asks as she puts the sleeves of the jumpsuit back on.

-I don't want anybody, looking at you like that.

I take the zipper and pull it up until her neck, careful not to touch her skin. I'd look, but I respect her. So much. So damn much. Every time I'm alone with her, it's bliss. And when she's not around, I crave her. But she's my princess and I would never rush her into anything.

-You're being an awfully good boy. Zayn on the other- her eyes widen as she realizes what she's saying.

-Zayn what? My eyes darken.

-He um, he was in my room this morning when I came out of the shower... she trails off. Back to her innocent self, she turns away.

I place my hand below her chin so she faces me.

-I will kill him. If he ever does that again.

I'm very much serious but all she does is smile.

We wait a few minutes before leaving his office. Kat tells the assistant that he's sleeping after their "fun".

When we get back into the car, I glare at Zayn. This bastard. I know she didn't finish her sentence back inside, but I know what happened, I know Zayn.

-What? Did the Mission fail? He asks as he starts driving.

-If you go anywhere near her bedroom ever again, Dad won't be mad at me killing you. I state calmly.

Kat, in the backseat, touches my arm, telling me to calm down.

-Alright Prince Charming. Zayn mocks me, smirking to himself.

Fuck him.

When I get home I take a shower. The freezing water cools my boiling blood as I wonder when this war will be over. And when I can finally tell her how I feel.

Sorry for the short chapter🥺🖤

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