The debate•

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(Kyle above)

5am: I slept 3hours. I get out of bed and go into the kitchen for some food. I won't be falling back asleep anyway. I brush my hair back with my hands as I walk into the kitchen, only to find coffee is already done. I find a white mug near the sink, Kay's mug. I know it's hers because there's a light brown liquid in the bottom, she mixes her coffee with milk. Why is she awake?
I grab a cup of coffee for myself and go knock on her door, when she doesn't answer I open the door; her room is empty and a mess. She's not messy, ever. Her bed was a mess, pillows on the floor and papers scattered across her desk. Before I can start panicking, I hear thuds in the distance. I walk back across the living room to the double doors that lead to the training hall. I open them slowly and find her small frame kicking the shit out of a punching bag. It's dark, the lights aren't on but there are glow in the dark bars shine a blue light in the corners of the room.

-Why are you up? Her soft voice sounds in the room.
-Couldn't sleep. You? I answer as I walk to her.
-Didn't want too. Her movements were very fast.
-Princess, how much coffee did you have? Something is wrong.
-A few cups. She starts punching the bag relentlessly.
I walk in front of her and catch her hands with mine.
I tell her to look at me. When she does, her icy blue eyes soften.
-I just want to be stronger, nothing is wrong Kyle. She reassures me with a smile. Gosh that smile.

The door bell rings.
She goes to answer the door.

-Good morning angel, what are you doing training so early? He smirks, his eyes shinning while he scans her body.
-Zayn! Hey I'm not a baby anymore ok. She hugs him and he hugs her back.

My jaw tenses as his hand goes to the small of her back. Our eyes meet.

-Hey little brother. His voice is full of satisfaction.
-Zayn. I nod.

-Your room is the second one on the left down that hall, you can go get settled in, how does that sound? She looks at me, telling me to chill.
-Thanks angel. He smiles at her and walks away.

-Stop being cold with him. She scowled me once we were back in the training hall.
-No, I don't like how he looks at you. I say, closing the space between us.
-And I don't like the way you're treating him, play nice, please? You can't kill him so you might as well-

Her voice trails off as she notices me looking at her lips.
-Concentrate Kyle. She says looking intensely into my eyes.
-I am very concentrated, don't worry. I smirk at the blush taking over her cheeks.
-You are unbelievable. She rolls her eyes. What makes you hate your brother so much? She comes back to the topic.
-Dont fall for him Kat. I say seriously.
-Kyle, we're in the middle of a war, I'm at the front line, that's not what's on my mind right now. Her voice is small, soft, like she doesn't want to speak those words.
I feel a pang in my heart, she's right.

-I'm in this with you too, for better or for worse, since the very beginning. You might not remember our promise, but I said I wouldn't let anybody hurt you, and I'm sticking to that until the end Kat.
Her eyes widen and I close mine, our foreheads are touching.
I don't know why I said that. She literally just said now was not the time for feelings and here I am giving her all of this crap. What the fuck is wrong with me.

-I never forget pinky promises Kyle. She suddenly answers and kisses my cheek. She walks out of the room before I have the chance to process what just happened.

— —

Later that day, I walk out of my room and find Zayn in the living room.

-She went to make phone calls if you're looking for her. I can hear the smile in his voice even though his back is facing me.

-Actually I was looking for you.
-Is that so? He looks at me as I take a seat across from him. Look little brother, if you think I'm going to come in between you and Katerina, you might be right. It won't be my fault though.

Fucking dick.

-What are you fucking talking about. My jaw tenses.

-You think I don't know how much she means to you. Please. Anybody could see that you want her. But here's the thing, you and I both know you aren't the only one. His smiles widens.

-You listen to me brother. I don't just want Kat, I actually care about her. Something you know nothing about. So don't you dare fucking come in here and act like you know what I want. I say without moving anything but my mouth.

-Oh no you can't give me that, you know very well that I care for her, and that she's the only girl I have ever cared for. Whatever may happen, I'm just letting you know that I want to be the only one in her life. His eyes narrow.

-Ok Zayn you're right, you do care. I sigh. But right now is not the time to be debating about it. We never agree on anything but we can agree on making sure she stays safe, right?
He nods.
-Thats all I needed to know. I say walking back to my room.

I know he cares, of course he fucking cares. But that doesn't matter. All that matters is that we both can count on each other to keep her safe. I trust him with that. And that's a lot.

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