The motel•

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Luke and I walk in and go straight to the candy section. He holds up a basket as I fill it with gummy bears and gummy worms. I have a thing for sugar.
I let him choose some other things like chips and whatnot. I make sure to get chocolate for Kyle because he doesn't like other candies.
Suddenly the glass door shatters and I see him running in. Here we go.
Luke and I hide between ailes. As we listen to the gunshots. I pray none of them touch Kyle. If it's gang violence I know he won't let them know I'm here.

-We know she's here. My boss won't be happy if I go back empty handed. Where is she! A foreign voice says, his words are slightly muffled, he's probably wearing a ski mask.
Pff, amateur.

-I don't know what you're talking about man get off my back. And stop shooting at me I didn't do shit! Kyle isn't that bad of an actor either. He fakes fear in his voice.
-My source says her hair is dark and she's travelling with a green eyed kid! I saw you two in the car! And hands up I don't wanna shoot you.
Luke is much taller than me so he can see what's happening. He says 3more guys come in. Oh come on they only sent 4 guys after me. They are really underestimating me. I tell Luke to stay put. According to what the guy said they don't know we are three.
I step out and walk quickly towards them. I don't know who these guys are but they aren't professionals, they won't shoot.
-Leave him alone. Im right here. I say calmly.
-Hands up girl! He points his gun at me forgetting all about Kyle.
-Wrong move buddy. I smirk as Kyle knocks him out. He then moves to the one closest to the counter.
I take the other two, they're probably my age so it's not to hard to deal with them. I keep one conscious.
Kyle points the gun at him. I lower it. I don't threaten people.
-Hey it's fine he's not gonna shoot you. Would you be a dear and tell me who sent you? The young boy nods
-The Dead Rose. He trembles.
I thank him and knock him out.

Well that was a mess. We tie them up and get the store clerk to call the police. Kyle makes sure he deletes the CCTV tapes. Before leaving I get some hair dye. They know my hair is dark. So let's change that.

We drive a little while and clock into an old motel. It's not the first one on the highway so we're good for at least a few hours.
We share one bedroom with 3beds. I go to the bathroom and put the hair dye. After waiting to the guys to freshen up I go back in and shower.
I come back out as a platinum blonde.

-It suits you. Says Luke with a smile.
-Thank You. I say as Kyle eyes him.

-So whats the game plan? We need to get to Porto Viro right? I ask.
-Right now we're still in the provinces, to get to Porto Viro by car it's about 8h. So we can leave tonight and get there by morning. Kyle says showing us the map.
-Is there a reason we are going there? Luke asks, I forgot he wasn't up to speed with what happened.

I tell him about the Dead Rose and how they killed my family.
-As of a few months ago, we were told their leader lives there. So we are going and bringing him down. I say getting under my sheets.

Nobody asks me anything. When I speak of that gang my eyes turn cold. I know it's a different side of me that shows but I can't help it. My happiness was taken away in just a few hours. I didn't want to run this mafia. But I have too now, and if I have too then I'll do it better than anyone ever has.
I'm the first to wake up, it's 8pm. I get dressed and change into a black jumpsuit and combat boots. I go down to pay for our stay when I see two men in black. They have black roses tattooed on their arms.
They could just be guys with rose tattoos, but I can see their guns tucked in their jeans. These guys aren't amateurs. I walk towards them.

-Hi you, are you staying here? I ask the younger looking man as I put a hand on his chest. Thank the lord he doesn't smell bad.
-That dépends, are you? His Italian accent is strong and I can tell he's interested.
-Why don't you come with me, my boyfriend just broke up with me and I need a strong man to take my mind off of him. I bat my eyelashes and he agrees, discreetly leaving his gun with his partner.

Once we get in front of my room I shoot him, my gun has a built in silencer so nobody can hear. I open the door and see both Luke and Kyle shirtless.

-Umm, I look anywhere but at them, we have company. I took this one out but the other one is downstairs, so hurry it up. I take my bag and wait outside, trying to stop the burning on my cheeks.
This place is empty so nobody comes down the hallway. I put the dead guy in one of the janitor closets.
Once the boys are done we all go down, I make sure to act like I don't know them as I walk towards the other gang member seated in the lobby.

-Um excuse me? Is your friend allergic to something? We drank some sparkling wine before um, doing other things, and when we started his mouth started to swell? I ask looking worried.

He falls for it and runs to the elevator. I follow and press the 2nd floor. When it opens and he sees the blood on the wall he turns to me. I shoot him.

Don't worry you'll see your friend real soon.
I think as I put him in the same closet.
In the car the boys don't address what happened.
Luke and Kyle take turns driving. In the morning we arrive to Porto Viro. I take the wheel and drive us to one of the safe houses.
We walk in and find interesting surprise.

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