Kuro [x]

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Kuroo swallowed but his throat was still dry in anticipation. He was sweating despite being unable to move. Oh no, 'unable' was too sweet a term. He was tied so that if he so much as let his head drop, his blindfold would come undone. And she had promised that would mean he would not even get to lay a finger on her. Sweet torture. He huffed trying not to jiggle his leg from this uncomfortable chair behind which his hands were tied. His ears perked at the sound of the door opening and he strained to feel anything, being unable to see.

He heard her breathing heavily, too irregular for foreplay. She stumbled in the room and he heard a thud. He was confused, a flash of worry. 

"Take-" She whispered, and gulped audibly, followed by more heavy breathing. Her voice was raspy- did she just moan?

"Take it off."

Kuroo yanked his head forward and felt the silk tie behind his head slip undone as the cloth tumbled down his heaving chest and on his lap. His breath stuttered. 

She was on her hands and knees, glistening with sweat, wearing only a small white t-shirt that was too soaked to provide much coverage. It took a moment for him to hear the faint hum. Her underwear, fuck it was lace, was moving a fraction. Oh.

She fell forward, cheek pressed against the ground as she looked at him with almost closed eyes, face flushed red. Her thighs twitched as she tied to fist the carpet to somehow ease up the whirring that came from between her legs. Kuroo swallowed again, his mind glitching for a second. He could do nothing but look as broken moans and pants filled the stuffy air that was laden with the scent of her slick. She was mouthing something but was too overwhelmed to say it out loud. He swallowed again praying she would speak louder. He forgot he could ask her, he was just trapped at the sight of her so fucked out. 

"tetsu tetsu tetsu tetsu..." her moaning got louder as she struggled to get her breath back. She shifted her face off the floor to look at him, eyes still hazy. He clenched his jaw. Fuck. This stupid thing tying his hands back. He strained against the chair. Fuck fuck fuck fuck stupid tie. 

More broken moans tumbled from her mouth as she tried to crawl towards him but after a couple of feet she let out a tired yelp and fell to her side, twitching. Kuroo hadn't even realized he let out a whine between his clenched teeth. He felt a bead of sweat slide down his forehead and meet his eyebrow, it felt alien. 

"Ah... aahh.." She tossed on her back and threw an arm over her face. Her oddest habit to be shy at the weirdest times and Kuroo choked back on an another whimper as he let his head drop limp. And pulled his eyes back up at her again, he could not miss a second of this. He was almost out of his chair while tied to it, straining against his tied fists. The felt sweat pool at his cheekbone and drop down to his thigh. He almost winced at the feeling. He was painfully painfully hard. 

He saw her struggle to get her hands under her so she could inch towards him. He had no idea how much time passed but it was an eternity before she managed to reach his feet. He realized his lips were pulled back in a half snarl, having her so close and yet so far. He had never been so far gone, especially foreplay. He should piss her off more. 

She lifted her head to look at him and for a second he couldn't breath. Her eyes were predatory, ruthless and evil, so so patient as her leg occasionally twitched from over stimulation. 

"Your smell" She tilted her head and slowly trailed down his chest and legs, his muscles involuntarily jumping under her gaze. Her eyes glazed up again and she peeked at him through hooded lashes, a completely different look. 

"Is so good," her head lolled back a bit as she closed her eyes, "It's too much."

Her voice was liquid sex and Kuroo licked his dry lips. She put one hand on her thigh and he sucked in a sharp breath. She was burning hot being fucked out by her vibrator. She dropped her head against his other knee, the weight of it forcing his legs apart a bit. Kuroo's shirt was sticking to him with all the sweat. 

"I'm going to cum" her lips were pressed against his inner thigh as she mumbled and she nipped at his skin. Kuroo pressed his lips shut but she couldn't shut the moan up. She brought her legs on either side of his right leg and ground herself, her mouth popping open and drawing out an obscene slow moan. Kuroo just watched, his hands hurting were the tie was digging into his wrists too hard but he couldn't care. 

The top of his foot could feel how hot the juncture between her thighs was. In a flash, she grabbed his shoulders and pushed back and with an agility he thought she had lost this evening, slung her legs over his and sat on his thigh, her knee mindfully brushing his other inner thigh only. Kuroo gasped as she rubbed herself off on his thigh, head thrown back and panting moans freely. His shorts had a wet fucking spot. Fuck, he hated clothes from now on. Her saliva cooled on the hickey she gave his knee and Kuroo couldn't decide if he could feel goosebumps. 

"Tetsu!" She cried out and he clenched his thigh. She let out a sharp yelp and threw her head back as she rubbed herself off on his thigh. If he had to be honest, other than volleyball this was the best use of his muscles. But right now it was torture. 

She stilled and got her breath back as she stared up at the ceiling. He could feel the vibrator move on his leg, still inside her but she just let out a pleased hum and slowly pushed herself off him. Cold air rushed to fill Kuroo's lungs, he hadn't realize she was such a furnace and its loss chilled the wetness through his shorts. She walked behind him and it was the same as being blindfolded. Kuroo let a few expletives slip at his frustration and felt her husky chuckle right behind his head. He shut up and heard a soft squelch. Kuroo's heart jumped. 

He felt her heat before she leaned down to whisper into his right ear, "Do you want to feel how wet you make me?"

Kuroo was suddenly reminded how dry his throat was and swallowed, nodding. She let out another soft laugh and he felt her hand slid over his tied one until she guided one of his fists to unclench and stretch his fingers. She folded all fingers except one and before he could formalize a thought, he felt it enter her.

He threw his head back and moaned. She hot and so so wet he hadn't even moved his hand but the rest of his fingers were wet just because they touched her skin. His felt his dick twitch and weep in his shorts. He curled his finger and felt her buck. She threw her head on his shoulder and bit his neck until he arched his back and ceased moving his finger inside her. 

He felt the ties holding his hands slip away and only hesitated for half a second before he pounced. He yanked their shirts of and freed himself of all constraints, tearing her underwear off her with a snarl, pupils blown. He picked her up effortlessly and slammed her back against the glass window. The city sparkled under the night sky, their room only lit by fairy lights of other apartment balconies and the moon. She hissed at the cold glass meeting her sweaty back and her skin squeaked against the rapidly fogging glass. He devoured her mouth and swallowed her breath every time she moaned his name, her legs tightening around his waist. 


A floor above, in the building opposite, he put his papers down and slipped off his glasses down to rub his temples as he poured himself a glass of whiskey. What could possibly make today better? He dimmed the lights of his apartment until the sole lamp provided him relief from his headache, and lit a cigarette for good measure. Taking a deep puff, he looked outside at the city, only to see into another house across the street. A girl pressed against a fogged window, muffled faces and shuffling. 

He smirked, bringing his glass up to his mouth as he stepped onto his own balcony. The night was windy. The street below lit by cars and bustling with people. And yet no one looked up at them. Except for him. He swirled the liquid in his mouth until he could taste the smoke through the sting before he gulped. Nothing in the world would tear him from how her arms were being loosely tossed behind his back as he moved inside her like a piston. He thought he heard a whisper of her scream. Until he slammed a hand beside her head, holding her limp body easily with one arm, heaving chests as her head lolled onto his shoulder, behind his neck. He could almost feel how softly the man brushed her hair away from her face and gently hoisted her up and took her inside the dark depths of their home. 

He takes another drag. He could come up with something to make this night better after all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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