{} Do They Really Exist? {}

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If only Nezuko wasn't so curious that night, her family may have lived. If only... I was there to protect them, or at least be by their side. She thought. It was painful to know, it was all her fault. That night Nezuko had asked her mother a very serious question.


"Mother, do demons exist?"

"I'm not so sure, but I have heard the stories, so it's best we stay inside during night time."


Nezuko was in bed and she was looking up to the ceiling, deciding whether or not to go and investigate if they existed. Soon she snuck out of bed and walked to the door of her family's house. She opened it quietly, making sure it did not creak. She walked outside, and shut it behind her just as quietly.

Outside she felt the breeze hit her face. She stared into the night sky, feeling every wind gust before it ever touched her. She was always able to sense a something before it even happened. When it was going to heat up in an area, she sensed it before it happened seconds later. She stared down at the cold snow, before picking some up.

'The night time is beautiful...' She thought, extending her hands in front of her to feel the breeze.

She then walked to her left, a crunch with every step. She could feel the snow crunch against her Geta's. (Her shoes) She hid behind tree's, searching to see if she would find demons.


That went in until morning, but soon Nezuko decided she wouldn't find any. She walked back home and could feel a devastating emotion before it even hit her. 'Oh no... Something bad is going to happen, I feel the emotion already.' She thought and ran to her house, seeing a blood red puddle, before the corpses of her family.

She felt an overwhelming sadness. She held her mouth, feeling her stomach trying to push vomit out of her mouth. She stopped it from happening and fell beside her family, crying. Before she felt a sudden feeling of relief before it happened. She then heard breathing and that relief turned into a reality.


Nezuko was now running to find help for her older brother, carrying him. It was very difficult to carry him, he was much bigger than her. Nezuko was crying and running at the same time, her vision blurred. Her face was freezing. But she had to find help for her brother.

Demons... No way, could a demon have killed my family...?

Nezuko kept running, until she heard a growl on her back. Tanjirou had fangs and was yelling into the sky. Nezuko fell down and could feel the impact, then hit the ground, the impact increasing. Nezuko looked around for Tanjirou.


Nezuko spotted him, looked down at the snow, covered in blood.

"Tanjirou! Are you alright?" She asked.

"You don't have to walk, I can carry you into town!"

Nezuko got up and ran towards Tanjirou.


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