{} Down The Mountain {}

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Someone grabbed my clothing. It was Tanjiro. I calmed down and looked up to him. But when I looked down I saw the demons body.

Is he dead...?


Nezuko had to kill this demon... But how? She couldn't kill something! The only thing she used to do were look after her siblings while Tanjirou sold coal. This was new, and she couldn't kill something that had a face!

You have to kill it, or others could die!

Then someone touched her shoulder. Nezuko looked back and saw a man with a Pinocchio looking mask! Is he also a demon?!

"Huh?!" She asked.

"You can't finish him off with that." He said.

I couldn't hear or sense him...

"H-how, then?" Nezuko asked.

She turned to face him.

"Don't ask me, can't you use your own head to figure that out?" Asked the man.

Maybe... Crushing his head?!

Nezuko went to get a rock from nearby. She inched toward the demons head.

To crush his skull... I would have to pound him with the rock many times...

I bet it will hurt...

How do I make it less painful?!

Nezuko noticed the demon open its eyes. It started to lash out at her. He said he would eat her. The sun came up and Nezuko looked towards it. Then the demon burned into ashes agonizingly! She dropped the rock and started to gag.

Wait, Tanjirou!

Nezuko looked around for her older brother, she could not spot him. She then realized maybe he had hid. She ran towards the inside of the house. She felt relief when she spotted him hiding in the bamboo backpack.


Where's that goblin faced man?

Nezuko walked to the side of the house. She saw the man mourning the death of the dead people.

He buried them...

Nezuko walked toward the man and the graves.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"I'm Sakonji Urokodaki." He said.

"I'm assuming you're the one Giyu Tomioka sent my way.

"Oh, yes! My name is Nezuko Kamado!" She smiled. "And my brother is Tanjirou!"

"Nezuko.." He started. "What will you do when your brother devours a human?"

Nezuko was then slapped by the man.

"Too slow!" He shouted.

"You are just to slow at making decisions!"

He spoke about how she wasn't able to finish the demon. Then asked why she couldn't answer quickly. He told her two things to do if her brother ate a human. Killing him, and killing himself.

"That's what it means to travel with your brother who became a demon!"

He then said it should never happen, no matter what.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?" The man asked.

"Yes, sir!" She answered

"Alright, I will now test you."

"To see if your fit to become a member of the Demon Slayer Corps."


This man runs so fast! Thought Nezuko, running as fast as her weak legs could take her.

He also has no footsteps! Tanjiro, please be patient!

Well you've always been patient with me...

Nezuko thought back to a memory. Nezuko had accidentally lost his coal he would sell that day, she was asked to keep track of it by their mother. Tanjirou told her it wasn't a big deal, and he would find it somewhere eventually, and he did. He used his good sense of smell and got the family more income because of the coal he sold.

I swear to turn you back, Tanjiro! And maybe I could sell the coal for you!

Nezuko started to tear up.


Nezuko panted on the ground, sweating buckets.

"Did.. I... Pass?" She breathed.

"The test starts now, we're going to climb a mountain." Said the man.

Nezuko was so shocked, her jaw dropped.


Inside, Nezuko had helped set up a sleeping space for Tanjiro.

"I'll make sure to care for your brother." said Sakonji.

She sighed.


Nezuko painfully climbed up the mountain. He knees were heavy. She was dizzy and felt the urge to pass out. She kept following Sakonji, but he stopped. Nezuko looked up. He explained what she would have to do. He told her, he would not wait until daybreak.

I see.. He thinks I will get lost! And all I have to do is get back by daybreak? I can sense where he is now!

Nezuko ran, but she tripped. She looked around. Rocks flew at her face.


She then fell down into some leaves! She looked up.


He set traps... But, it will be ok! I can still get through it!

She then accidentally touched another rope on the ground.

Oh no...

The air... It's so thin! It hurts my throat!

She then ran down the mountain, gasping, her throat feeling raspy. Her head was spinning. She stopped and tried to get her breathing under control, she then tried to sense where Sakonji was. Logs flew at her. But she dodged them. Many things kept coming at her, trip lines all around.

She then, was hit by bamboo.

Right, I'm steal not strong enough!

I will make it back though, for Onii-Chan!


Nezuko arrived back, bleeding and bruised. She breathed in and out.

"I'm... B-back..." She smiled painfully, and fell down. She fainted soon though.

'I accept you as my student, Nezuko Kamado..' thought Urokodaki.

Shorter Chapter... Lol
Word Count: 884

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