2) Bickerings & Fate

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Chapter two: Bickerings and Fate

Note: Make sure you aren't forgetting or postponing any prayer before reading. Remember prayer always comes first!!

Haya's P.O.V


"Okay I have had enough!!" I shouted completely annoyed. "You've literally been singing that since the past 17 minutes!" I said holding my head in my hands.

"And yet you haven't once sang along or said 'you love me toooo'' pouted Yusuf.

"Akhhh remind me why I agreed to come along?!" I asked, regretfully.

"Because you couldn't resist being in my awesome car , besides you should be thankful. What I mean is that not everyone is lucky to have an incredible brother, as I , myself " He happily said again with that signature look.

"sometimes I wonder if expressing so much egoism is prohibited or banned,sadly, then I remember that you still exist." I said looking at him with my infamous smirk.

"Cut down that so called smirk, learn from the pro" he sad casually shifting to the other lane.

This is one of those situations well known as #hopeless case. Definitely topping the list.

"why all of a sudden quite?" he asked with mock concern.

I decided to play along and just looked out of the window.

"Aww my baby adobies short cake sweety-"

"Stop! Don't you dare call me by those names . You know I hate it when you call me any of that! I screamed on top of my lungs.

"Woah short cake! cranky much? Anyways your school is across the block there" Yusuf said pointing.

I huffed. "yea, I can see that. Can't you just drop me near the entrance?"

Yousef awkwardly shifted his gaze on the road. Now that's a sight you don't see everyday.

"Aa...No can do!"he said with uncertainty. "I got to um.." he said scratching his non-existing beard.

something was up, and I was about to question it when someone caught my attention. I hurriedly unbuckled my seat belt then looked at Yusuf who was still lost thinking of an excuse. When will he ever grow up. I though to myself ,chuckled slightly also making a mental note to ask him what "that" was about.

"Oh that's right I got to go to the bathroom, yep that's exactly why. The bathroom, definitely!" He said nodding his head.

"Right, of coarse you should get going then. We don't want no accidents now do we?" I asked with a wink.

I saw him groan in anger, but like always we both ended up laughing.

I got out of his 'awesome' car, turned around and said "Asalamualikum!" but before i could walk away i took advantage of the moment and once again turned around.

"Oh and after your're done using the bathroom, do practice how to lie." I saw the mock confusion on his face, so I continued. "Let me put it this way. There's lots of room for improvement up there." I said pointing towards his head and immediately turned around to run.

I ran past a few people but the direction I ran towards was opposite to our school, however I made my way to where a purple head walked. I jogged up to her and swung my hand over her shoulder, and the next thing I feel is my bottom's contact with the floor and let's not forget the unbearable pain in my back.

"WHAT was ...ouch...THAT for?!"I cried.

There we go ladies and gentlemen, MARIAH ZAYN.

Purple defines her attitude while the black belt she earned in karate reflects her personality. she's a fashion diva and you guessed it, the one who asked me to wear sneakers!

Mariah snapped her fingers before me "Back to reality, haya!"

I shook my head and saw as Mariah almost chocked while laughing. in return, i gave her a questioning look.

"Haha You... your face. Red! Ha!! I. Can't" laughed Mariah. People walking by gave us weird glances, more like glares, but I could care less.

"why can't the world understand that i'm not a morning person?" I asked still in pain.

"I don't know, maybe we can go on a world tour and then we can ask the world. OH MY GOD! it would be perfect! we would shop, sing, dance, tour, and just be ourselves and it would be the best trip any best friends ever had! see the link, best trip with best friends?" Mariah said nudging me.

"Uh, yea definitely" i said trying to sound half as cheerful, but failing miserably. I know Mariah well enough to say she just rolled her eyes.

oh, and if you haven't caught on yet then here's another fact: there is never a full stop when Mariah is speaking.

"we're getting late. Come on, school's that way" I said pointing backwards.

Mariah put a hand on my shoulder and started laughing.

"Why are you laughing? " I asked feeling annoyed.

she sighed. "My...my...my ...my dear Haya"

"Cut the drama and get to the point."I commanded narrowing my eyes.

"Alright, you just ruined all the fun. okay so let me make this straight forward and boring just like you" she said in a tone no other then boredom.

I gave her an encouraging look and folded my arms.

"once again Haya you forgot that it's Sunday." she began

"Which means...I studied for no use but he left me and school, the texts?" I asked dumb founded

"Exactly yeah, all that was set up anyways which means SHOPPING TIME!, don't worry I promise it will be fun" Mariah said enthusiastically.

but all i can think of right now is how to take revenge.

"Yusuf's gonna pay for this!" I thought to myself. Maybe a bit too loud.

"What was that?"Mariah asked grinning, oh she knew all too well.

"Nothing" was all that I could say through gritted teeth.

While I stood there thinking, Mariah did the honor of pulling me towards the mall, which unfortunately was not too far away.


السﻻم عليكم

Alhamdullilah, this chapter is finally edited and many scenes were re-written. If you enjoyed it don't forget to share this story! Also what do you think of the new cover.

Please tell me what you think of the chapter. Dont forget to vote! ♥

keep smiling

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