Coffee Favorites

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"Erm can I get a caramel frapp please? Thank you" Im inside of starbucks right now, I mean I dont gotta be to class till 11 am and its.. 10:27 am right now. I can sit in for a bit right?

"Sure ma'am whats your name? ..and possibly your number?" The girl behind the register asks. Honestly she's cute but for some reason i havent been feeling any connections with ppl since i was a kid, tho i laugh a little anyway and decide to give it to her.

"Uhm sure here, whats your name though?" She was taller than me, maybe 5"8 I dunno, golden like eyes, black hair in a bun and slashes in her dark thick brows and a jaw line that could cut me in.. "Wanna take a pic?" And thats when I snap out of it and blush. "U-uh im sorry i was just.. Lost in thought, yeah I wasnt aware I was staring.."

"Well miss my name's Jayla but you can call me Jay" Jay huh.. Suits her. "Your name suits you.. My name's Reiya" Does this mean I made my first friend? I feel like I did.. Well at least I wont be so bored now..

"Thanks, you have a cute name.. Here's your Frapp Rei. Ya know something? This is my favorite drink on the whole menu. You?" Rei? No one has called me by my dead name for a while.. Whatever, I wont bitch over it, she's a new friend, she doesnt know yet.

"Thanks.. Jay.. Ill talk to you later?" This conversation took longer than expected i need to be on my way to the campus now. "Yeah, wait hey where are you off to? My shifts over now and i need to get to my college but my cars in shop and im sure to be late, think you can give me a ride?"

Wait what? What if she tried to kill me? In broad day light? No. Ugh I might regret this later "Uhm also to my college.. Which do you go to?" She smiles. "How much you wanna bet we go to the same one? Im in Yale pretty lady" Are you serious..?

"Welp lets go but you owe me coffee next time!" Her face turns into an expression of shock, "How?! Its just a 10 minute drive! You know what? Fine but i cant promise you it will be safe.."

We got to know each other a lot during that 20 minute drive, I got a little lost.. But she's really cool, I dont regret meeting her.. Im happy I did, maybe she can help me forget.. Kai.

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