Unwanted Contact

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I sniffle slightly, rubbing my eyes. I swear my stupid ass emotions have a mind of their own. It's been such a long time since the last time I saw Kai. He's changed...but didn't at the same time. He didn't recognize me..but I guess that's pretty much expected.. I mean I am a girl now after all..

I groan lightly as I grab the food I ordered. When troubles occur, eating is the best solution. Now should I eat in or go back to the campus.. I guess I can eat in its not really busy today so ill be able to think in peace.

I find a small table in a corner so i decide to go there. The Oreo milkshakes here are the best. When ever i drink one it automatically makes my day better.

~~15 Minutes Later~~

After 10 minutes I decided to leave because a woman came in with her child who proceeded to scream when she said he can't have an oreo milk shake. Honestly i dont blame the kid, if i were in his position I'd do the same. I laugh a little at my own foolish thoughts while arriving at the university.

As i get out my car i get a text message and look at my phone to see who loves me. I laugh again but a little louder causing some people passing by to look at me. I give them a mean look making them look away.

Huh its Jay.. I wonder what she could want.

Jay: Rei? Where are you? Classes started like 10 minutes ago.

Rei: WHAT!? wait how do you know im not there?

Jay: Remember when i asked to see your schedule and told you that we do have a class together? Well this is that class.

Rei: Oh haha.. My mistake, but dont worry im on Campus i just went to go get lunch! I only had coffee today ma'am.

Jay: Whatever just hurry up Professor Hillion is mean as hell.


After I close my phone i start sprinting into the building! As im running i recall something.. I don't know where the class is... "Fuck. My Life." I might as well sk-
"Such words should not be used by such a pretty young lady"

I turn and see a boy who looks simular to Kai except he looks more gentle and.. Lazy. But all in a cute way.
"I... I uh dont think we've met before, are you new here?" He asks. He looks stunned and starts to scratch the back of his neck while seeming to be blushing..

"I am I take it that your not?" Maybe he can help me.
"Nope I've been here for 5 years and im still not finished.. Sadly." he says while laughing a little. Oh then he should know this place like his own self!
"Could you help me im super super late and i dont know where my next class is! Could you take me to it?" He looks like he's debating on something in his head and then he looks at me with a mischievous expression.. Oh dear..

"Well pretty lady I could help you but on one condition." Just to take me to a damn classroom!? Whatever i just really need to get to class "What is the damn condition?" He steps closer and that is when i can no longer see his face.

Why are the boys in this place so damn tall!? I look up and glare at him making him start laughing and bend down a little to my level causing me to slap him in his arm and turn away from him crossing my arms.

"Alright alright ouch jeaz im sorry" he barely manages to push out because of how hard he's laughing. "I dont see whats so funny shit head. Now tell me where my class is!" I am so close to just skipping.

"Ok ok fine just give me your number and ill take you" My number!? "But i don't even know you!" Jesus christ help me.. "Well youll never know me if ya dont" he says smirking. "Well who says i wanted to know you!?" I semi yell.

"I guess you dont wanna get to your class. Hmm oh and in 5 minutes youll officially be 25 minutes late.." He says with one arm across his chest and the other in his face as he looks at his nails with a bored expression.

"Fine! Herez my phone, put your number in while you take me to my class!" He grabs my phone and starts walking slowing as he type in the unwanted information. "Can you hurry up!?"

I ask/yell starting to feel panicked now. He stops gives me my phone and points at a door that was only 15 steps from where we were last standing....

"Im going to kill yo-" as i raise my hand i see him already far down the hall way and out the building. Ugh! Next time i see him he's dead.. As im walking up to the door i look down at the unwanted contact on my phone and read the name out loud.


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