Missed Family

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I stretch my arms above my head as I walk off campus. I wince slightly as the bright sun hits me. It leaves a warm orange tint in the sky as it slowly starts to set. I gave Jay my car key and address so she can drop my car off for me. A peaceful walk should clear my mind.

Before heading home I should pass by the market since I'm running low on some things.

My walk is slow and very soothing. The road isn't very busy and you can just barely hear the whistling wind. The trees practically glow with bright green leaves, glimmering in the evening sun. This type of mood always clears my mind, leaving only calm thoughts.

As I finally reach the market, I slowly retreat from my calming state. The lady at a nearby register greets me with welcoming smile which I return. As soon as I enter the market, the cold air nips at my skin. This market isn't the largest, but it's the closest to my apartment.

I grab a basket and rake my mind for the things I needed. Nothing comes up. Ugh! Curse me and my forgetful mind. I decide to walk throughout the aisles and get what I need when I see them.

Toothpaste, deodorant, and shampoo.

Sliced bread, doughnuts, and cookies.

As I get to the third aisle, I notice an older lady in it. She looks oddly familiar.. "Aunt May!" I immediately curse myself, realizing I said it aloud. I can't help myself though, she's like a second mother to me.

Aunt May visibly perks up at the nickname I gave her years ago. "Rei?" She questions as she looks in my direction. I let out a sigh as I walk towards her smiling lightly. She still looks young and beautiful.

"Rei! Oh my goodness!" She shouts as she gives me a tight bear hug. At least she recognizes me unlike her idiot son. I drop the basket and return her hug full-heartedly. I tear up lightly, remembering how she alway gave me tight hugs like this.

She sniffles wiping her tears as we pull away and I do the same. "My, you've changed." I nod, doubt crawling up my skin realizing what's coming. I squeeze my eyes shut and hold my breath. "Your beautiful," she assures me placing a warm hand on my cheek that somehow dissolves all my worries.

I open my eyes, watery as new tears start to fill them, Damn it! "I thought I told you to never doubt yourself!" She says, rubbing a soothing hand on my back. "I-I really missed you," I tell her as I put a stop to my tears.

"So have I, I've always thought of you..what do you go by now?"

"Reiya." Another warm smile spreads on her face.

"That's lovely! Honey, you have to come over for dinner..ahh.. next week, Saturday. I told that idiot of a son to invite you, but I can see that he hasn't." She rolls her eyes and I laugh lightly.

"That's fine, I'd love to come over!" I smile, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Amazing! Ill send you the address through email, I'm sure it hasn't changed. Have you met with Kai yet?"

"I-I have, today actually. But being the idiot he is, he didn't recognize me," I reply, lacing my fingers together as my nerves build up.

Aunt Kay visibly pouts at my words, placing her warm hands above mine. "Well, then he's in for a surprise now isn't he?" A mischievous smile spreads on her face, making me smile as well. Man it's good to see her again.

With one more reassuring hug, we said our goodbyes and she was off.

I sigh before turning and retrieving my basket to continue my shopping. How many times have I cried today? Ugh, what am I even gonna wear!?

Yo yo yo Jxlly here!! I didn't know what Kai's mom's name was so I put Aunt May yeaaaaaa

Aunt May it is!!!! We shall have a Part 2 to the last chapter soon! Until then I hope you enjoyed this Chapter Written by Jxlly! Remember to Vote Comment, and add to your Libraries!

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