Ok-ish Surprises

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Alright class my name is Professor Kim, and today we're going to..." I just tune her out, tho everytime she says write this or that you best believe im writing it. I'll just study it later.

Me and Jay parted ways about.. 15 minutes ago, she showed me around as much a she could before it was time to go, she said and I quote "Don't worry it will only be like an hour or two, and then you'll be able to see this gorgeous face" Ha she may be hot but.. I dont know the but, but either way! She needs to shut the hell up.

Finally after 30 minutes more the professor dismisses us. As i walk out after politely smiling and waving bye to Professor Kim i go out the door and look for Jay. After about 5 minutes of attempting to look over these tall ass students i find her.

Well I find her flirting with a girl, who is very pretty might I add. The girl looks very uninterested and mean though, poor Jay. For some reason though, i feel a tiny pang of jealousy.. Is it because i thought she would actually liked me..?

Ha of course not.. Im disgusting.. No! I can't go there right now! This is not the time. Me and her just met, she probably just flirted a bit as a joke and to make conversation! Yes sounds about rig- I feel someone touch my shoulder and I jump. "Rei?" I turn and look to see who the ass wipe is that touched me without permission. Oh shoot. "Jay? Uh what happened?"

"You were standing here with a blank dead look in your eyes digging your nails into the palm of your hand, and your bleeding.. Remind me to never piss you off. But on a serious note, are you ok?" I look at her and tear up a little.. I may seem like im overreacting but I've only ever met slash known 2 or 3 people that cared.

Should I trust her though? Should I tell her?... No! I cant risk it. "Yeah im ok! Im just tired and kinda stressed i guess haha.. The stuff Professor Kim gave us to do tonight looks pretty hard". Huh the girl, she's behind her and she looks pretty upset now. "Are you su-"

"She said she's fine alright!? Now lets go babe" She said staring at me like i killed her whole family. Babe? So they are together. Oh well I guess.

"Oh uh alright, hey Reiya I'll talk to you later ok?" I need more friends. Yeah I dont want her girlfriend to think im trying to steal her from her. Im not like that.

"Ok coo- oh! Before I go! Reiya meet Lina, she's my girlfriend, and the most beautiful woman on the planet" she said as she was looking at her girlfriend with so much love in her eyes but Lina.. She look irritated and like she wanted to be anywhere but here. It might be me making her feel like that.. I need to go to class. "Thats nice. Im gonna go now bye Jay."

I dont see Jay for the rest of the day but I do see her girlfriend and she seems to be hanging out with the same guy each time I see her.. I guess it could be a friend from how close they seem. Oh how I feel like im going to be so so wrong later..

Its about time for lunch so I decide to go buy something from the
Chick-Fil-A like 10 minutes away. As im walking out in the courtyard I see a tall white haired boy.. He really looks like- And then he turns... Kai?!
Wait no. Im just being delusional.. Should I go up and ask him..? Wait hell no! He might say no and ill look crazy.


Its as if he felt me staring at him and we lock eyes.. He's only like 8 ft away and its not that crowded so its not a surprise that he caught be staring..

He stops and he looks like he had seen a ghost.. Does he know its me? I changed a lot and I rarely talked to him about my transition.. Only once..

"Hey Kai?"
"Yeah Rei what's wrong?" Kaito responds looking calm and collected as always. For a 12 year old he's pretty mature! Thats why I look up to him and love him very very much! Im still kinda nervous about asking him this tho, i asked my mom and she laughed at me and told me im too young and stupid to even understand what the heck im asking.

I know im only 10 but im not dumb! She is! But! Here we go!

"What if I wanted to be a girl? Or changed myself in order to become one?" I asked looking away scared.

"Is that what you want?" I nervously nodded my head "Well Rei I wouldnt mind, you'd still be my the same person just different in looks so who cares honestly? I support you fully Reiya." Reiya? That such a pretty name.. "Reiya?" I like It.. "Reiya is a pretty name that still sounds like your name, its pretty like you Rei. If you ever do decide to change yourself, use that name! Please, it really suits you."

~~End of Flashback~~

My cheeks feel warm and wet. Im crying.. I close my eyes and wipe them but when i open them again I see the white haired boy jogging over to me looking worried. Wait. Wha-

"Hey, are you ok?"

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