CHAPTER ONE: Curb Your Enthusiasm

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"Scott, if you don't pull your head back inside by the count of three, I'll mount the curb and take your head off with a telegraph pole." 

The vein in my forehead began to throb in time with Scott's tail as it thudded against my cheek, my fingers tightening around the steering wheel. 
"You should totally try this, (Y/N)! It's so fun! It feels like I'm flying!" The beastly boy laughed, completely ignoring my serious threat. 

His tail continued to whack me, and I spat out a mouthful of fur. 
"Faster faster faster!" He cheered, leaning out further. 

The perfect pole came into view, so now it was only a matter of whether the werewolf listened to me or not. 
"Mah tungh theels thunneh 'en igh thtick i' out!" 

That does it. 

"Three!" Oh, I really did want to see that head of his pop off like a soda cap, but my parents would have taken my own head as punishment. Instead of homicide, I just reached over to the keypad by my side, beginning to wind his window up so that his head would get nice and stuck between the glass and the frame. 
"H..hey! That's, uh, a little tight there, (Y/N)..!" He yelped, struggling to try and free himself. I left it a few extra moments, but I eventually rolled down the window, smirking as he gasped for breath. "That was mean! You could've killed me!" 

That was the point. 

"Then listen to me next time, otherwise I really will go Hereditary on your dumb ass." I muttered, eyeing the turnoff to Spooky High. The name itself made me gag from how kitschy it sounded, but hey, what choice did I have? When your dad has an affair with some fur-brained housewife that rolled into town for the annual ancient bone exhibition, knocks her up, causes two divorces, drags your angsty demonic ass to the other side of the state to live with this new broad - and I mean b r o a d - and her fourteen rabid mongrel children, you just have to go along with it. Just one of the many perks of coming out of a corrupt government official's ballsack. 

"You're totally gonna love Spooky High! We have heaps of great sport teams, and the lunches are really tasty, and I'm sure my pack is gonna welcome you with open arms!" Scott yammered excitedly as I swerved into two of the free disabled parking spots, switching off the ignition and leaning back in my seat, defeated. 

"All offence intended, man, but I don't want to hang out with a bunch of sweaty mongrels. The only reason I gave you a lift today is because Dad would've ripped out my esophagus, and because you're only slightly less annoying as your brothers and sisters." My eldest step-brother wasn't the worst person in the world, and that was the problem. Sure, I appreciated that he was genuine, and tried his best to welcome me into the family, but he was just too good. 

I wasn't used to anything good. 

Unphased by my insult, Scott jumped out of the car, bounding around to my door and opening it up. 
"Then, there's plenty of other awesome people to hang out with! Just give it a chance!" I was torn between accepting his hand and screeching out of the parking lot, but I eventually caved, allowing him to pull me out of the car. 

"I'll stay, but don't expect me to like it." I sighed, triple checking that my cadillac was locked before following along behind the goofy lug. "I'm supposed to go and see Principal Giant Spider, but fuck it, I don't wanna deal with people." The school was bustling. Some poor imp bastard was being tossed around like a football near the entryway by a pair of brainless looking sasquatches, and a literal two-faced chick was puff-puff-passing on a rusty looking vape. 

I hate it. I wanna die. 

Before I could figure out a way to lose Scott and hide out somewhere less populated, the Werewolf perked up, waving his arm high over his head. 
"Hey! Hey, Polly! Come meet my sister, would ya!" Oh, how I envied the fact that the spectral girl approaching us could likely walk through walls or sink into the ground. With a flick of her smoke-like hair, she gave us a wave. 

RAUNCH - Damien LaVey x Reader Where stories live. Discover now