CHAPTER FOUR: Balls to the Wall

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The rest of the ride had me feeling a lot better, especially seeing as Miranda had forced Scott out of the carriage, and he sprinted along behind us for the remainder of the way. When we arrived, I didn't expect much after seeing a very plain, dirty looking warehouse.

Oh, how wrong I was.

The line was huge, and once we had wandered down the steep staircase, I could hear the music blaring and people laughing and screaming. When we came face to face with security, a steroid-pumped Cerberus, Miranda took charge.
"I think you know who I am! Let us pass!" She flicked her wrist, and I swore I saw her two serfs behind us flinch in terror. It seemed to have the same effect on the guard, too, as he ushered us in urgently.

"Unholy fucking shit..." That was all I could manage to say when I saw the inside. Colourful lights flashed and twirled everywhere I looked, people were dancing, fighting, making out and throwing up all over the place, and I was pretty damn sure I saw a dead body or two.

Heaven exists after all.

"I'll go get us some drinks! Where y'all gonna be at?!" Polly had already started walking away, and Miranda cupped a hand around her mouth.
"VIP, duh!" She then grabbed my wrist, tugging me along behind her. "Come with me! You just have to meet Vera!" I really didn't want to meet Vera, or anyone, really, but I didn't really have much of a choice, so off we went. It didn't take long for the royal to find who she was looking for, with the help of Scott's keen sense of smell.

"Vera! Val! Hey! Hi!" Scott bounded over to a pair of women, who looked as different as night and day. One was a gorgon, with snakes wisping out from her scalp. She wore a black body con dress and what looked to be a very expensive fur stole over her shoulders. The other was, in all planes including physical, a cat. A punk cat, to be specific.

"Scott, Miranda, and..." The gorgon woman, who I assumed was the one called Vera, narrowed her eyes at me, and I waited for my body to turn to stone, which it never did. "I guess you're (Y/N). Polly mentioned you earlier." She didn't look impressed, and I knew why. It didn't take a lot of brains to figure that out.
"Cool, you have antlers." The cat woman reached out and poked at them, making my get a little frustrated. "I'm Valery. Wanna sell one of 'em?"

Wow. Okay. Mild regret.

"Uh, I think I'll keep them, thanks." I laughed awkwardly, praying that Polly would hurry up and get out drinks. She could at least diffuse unsettling situations rather easily.
"Well, I'd love to stay and socialise, but I have a deal going on out back. Make yourselves at home." My prayers were answered as Vera and her sister wandered off, and we all moved to sit in a large, roped off area. Polly found us soon after, an entire tray of drinks for us to go crazy with.

After my fourth shot of whatever the weird green stuff was, Liam joined us, along with two other boys. A sentient computer named Calculester and a very tall, very dead zombie named Brian. That cheered me up even more, because now I had choices.

"Okay, but, like, let's play spin the fairy in the bottle!" Polly was already wasted beyond belief, nearly crushing poor Miranda as she leaned against her.
"Judgemental error! We do not have item, fairy, available. Please try again." Calculester replied, as though it were pre-recorded in his data bank. It probably was.

Waving him off, Polly pouted, reaching for yet another drink.
"Fine, fine, whatever. Truth or dare, then! Simple and fun!" Liam rolled his eyes beside me, crossing his arms across his chest.
"Such a stereotypical party game..." He muttered, and I jabbed him in the ribs, cocking a brow.
"What, the guy with the glasses too chicken to play? That's what I call mainstream!"

Offended, the vampire spluttered a few times before he inevitable caved, hunching his shoulders.
"I'm not! I'll play..."

(Y/N) one, Liam zero.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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