CHAPTER TWO: Social Constructs

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"Come on, I gotta introduce you to other dudes. Y'know, just in case I'm busy. Can't have you moping around alone!" Polly dragged me along through the cafeteria, head whipping around back and forth, looking as though she was searching for someone in particular. I wasn't even able to argue at that point, because I was pretty fucking high, so I just plodded along behind her.

"I mean, sure, as long as they aren't like that pyro prick before..." I yawned, yelping as she yanked me to the side, making me stumble.
"Well lookie here! If it isn't my main man!" Polly shouted cheerfully, and I looked up to see a rather unimpressed boy, phone poised and pointed towards his food. I hadn't ever really seen so much purple before, but the manbun seemed to be a nice touch. Definitely a vampire.

"So much for peace and quiet..." The student sighed, placing his device down and giving us his attention as we stole the nearest seats, Polly forcing me into the middle. "Oh, I don't think I've met you." I could see how awkward I looked in the reflection of his lenses, so I tried to stuff that slight nervousness away.
"No, you haven't. I'm (Y/N) Digo. Transfer."

He's a vampire, so why does he have food?

Giving me a rather intimidating once over, he finally extended his hand, shaking mine loosely.
"Liam De Lioncourt. You don't look much like a Wendigo. That's what you are, no?" Of course. He seemed smart, so it was a given that he would realise that was what I was.
"Yeah, that I am..." I sighed, leaning back in my chair. "What gave it away? The antlers?"

Shaking his head, Liam rested his chin on his hand, glancing up at the bones sticking out from my skull.
"Not exactly. Your frame, and the deceased animal appendages you have clipped to your belt are kind of obvious. Also, the teeth?" He pointed to my necklace, which was, as he had said, made with teeth I had collected myself, from both humans and animals.

"Keen eye, I see." I chuckled, bringing my hand up to fiddle with one of the molars.
"You don't seem quite as feral as your species is made out to be." Liam continued, pushing his plate away. "Aren't your kind usually should I put it? Abhorrent?"


I could understand it. I totally could. If I hadn't been suffering from crippling self-hatred, I may have offered to show him my other form. My abhorrent form. But no, that wasn't ever going to happen.
"Not always. Anyway, why do you have food? Don't vampires just suck for an undead living?" I nodded to the Seafood Bolognese on the table, and he quickly picked up his phone again.

"Purely Instagram. My followers rather enjoy my aesthetic." He flipped the screen around to show me some of the photos, shaded and decorated with countless filters.
"Oh, right. Hipster vibes, I get ya." Yawning again, I rested my head on my arms, wishing the day would end already. It wasn't that I disliked Polly or Liam, but I just wasn't a schooly kind of ghoul.

"You're more than welcome to the food, if you so desire." Liam pushed the plate so it sat in front of me, and I peered up at him with a lazy smile.
"I do so desire. Many thanks, Mr. Lioncourt." The munchies had me by the metaphorical balls, so his offer was very much appreciated. It was likely off-putting, watching such a small person scarf an entire plate of food, but neither one of my new friends seemed to mind.

"Yo, so, (Y/N), tell me, you a virgin, or nah?" It was kind of funny that Liam was the one to choke, even though I was the one with a mouthful of spaghetti, and I hurried to swallow.
"Big nah." I replied truthfully, licking my lips to rid them of sauce. "What kind of a question is that?" The girl lowered her phone, giving me a bit more of her attention.

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