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"You're back you're back you're back you're back you're back you're back you're back-" Having an overly-excited child running circles around you was enough to drive a person insane, but I had thirteen of them, half of which likely had fleas.

"Play soccer with us!"

"No, she's gonna play tennis!"

"No, dogeball!"

"We're playing red rover, duh!"

Baphomet, strike me down where I stand, I beg of thee...

Completely ignoring the children, and after shaking one or two off of my pant leg, I shut myself in my room. By room, I truly meant basement, because that was the only available space left for me when we had moved in three weeks prior. Dark, dank, and honestly, pretty homey, minus the lack of windows and oxygen.

After discarding my bag by the bottom of the stairwell, I let myself fall onto my floor mattress, only half wishing that I would crack my skull on the brick wall and die. Not that something like that cpcould kill me, but hey, a girl could dream. Much like the werewolves I was stuck living with, only silver could kill me, but I was a lot quicker than those mutts. At least if I wanted to be.

"Hey, (Y/N)..?" There was a scratching sound coming from the top of the stairs, and I groaned loudly. "Did you take notes in Potions class? I forgot because I saw a squirrel outside..." Scott whined, and for a moment I considered helping him. Just a moment.
"No can do! I didn't take notes either!" I responded honestly, albeit sharply, and I heard him murmur an 'okay' before padding off.

One year. One year of this bullshit, and then I can fuck right off to the middle of nowhere.

My stomach growled loudly, directing my thoughts to food, my one true love. Another downfall of my species. No matter how much we ate, we were always hungry, especially if what we were gorging ourselves on wasn't human flesh. Trixie, my step mother, wasn't an awful cook by any stretch of the imagination, but there was only so much raw steak I could handle in a row, not to mention her homemade 'biscuits', that looked a little too much like kibble.

Picking up my phone with the intention of googling some food porn, I barely passed the lockscreen before it began to buzz, a blurry selfie Polly had taken popping up before my eyes. We had exchanged numbers before we had parted ways at the end of the day.
"Sup, Pol?" I answered with a yawn, still not a hundred percent over my earlier high.

"Hey girl! How's it hanging?" She chirped, her voice kind of distorted by what I could only describe as the sound of harsh wind.
"Currently on the verge of cide. The only question is whether it's gonna be homi or sui." I replied with a huff, forcing myself to sit up, my antlers scraping the wall.

"OMG, that's how I totally died. Anyway, have I got the fix for you! There's like, a bangin' party tonight, and I want you to come! We can totally fuck around, in every sense of the word! It's at Vera and Valerie's secret hideout, which, like, is totally not secret and actually an underground club or some shit, but it's gonna be fucking L I T!"

The thought of a party lifted my spirits a little, and I found my lips beginning to curve upward.
"I have no idea who those two are, but as long as there's booze, food and drugs, I'm in." She didn't need to convince me. Anything was better than sitting around having piss drip through the floorboards above, courtesy of un-housebroken werewolf pups.

"Well, Vera is like, the most popular girl at school. She's kind of a bitch, but she throws the biggest parties. Val is pretty fuckin' cool, too, cuz she sells all kinds of cool shit, and she's furry and purple! I love furry and purple!" Polly laughed, her voice overcome by static. "Anyway, grab Scotty and meet me outside in say, like, three hours! I got us a lift!"

RAUNCH - Damien LaVey x Reader Where stories live. Discover now