Chapter Twelve-Back Home

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Gerard's POV

The show ends, and I head outside to the car with Jerome to wait for the girls. When I see Jenna run up, I break out into a huge grin. She jumps into my arms and I spin her around.

"You did amazing babe. I'm so proud of you."

Jenna gives me a lasting kiss, and we only stop when someone clears their throat. We break away from each other and Jenna gives Hayley the death glare. She holds up her hands, surrendering, then gets into the car with Jerome.

"C'mon, I have to take the two of them back then we have to go see Mikey."

I nod sadly, then we get into the car and drive to the house. Jenna pulls into the driveway and the four of us head inside. I collect my things while Jenna just sits on her bed and pets Lola.

It pains me to put this all a bag, never to be opened again on Earth.


"Goodbye Gerard. I'm going to miss you and your amazing cooking."

Hayley hugs me tightly, then moves so Jerome can say goodbye.

"Goodbye man. It was nice having another guy in the house, for even a short amount of time. I'll miss you."

We hug each other, then Jenna hugs them as well. With tears in our eyes, we get into Jenna's car. She drives towards where Mikey is, and all I can think about how much I'm going to miss this place. Miss her. 

Too soon, we arrive at our destination. I look at my girlfriend, and she frowns.

"Gerard, it'll be okay. I promise."

She leans over to me and kisses me deeply. We continue kissing for a few more minutes, but then we know that we have to go. The three of us exit the car and head up the path, with Jenna's hand locked in mine.

Finally, we reach the ship, and the door opens, revealing Mikey.

"Took you guys long enough. Oh and Lola! I've missed you!"

Lola, in Action Cat form, runs over to Mikey and hugs him. The two head into the ship, then look back at us.

"C'mon G-3- I mean Gerard. It's time to go back to our planet."

I nod sadly at my brother, then turn to Jenna.

"Promise to never forget me?"

She smiles sadly at me. I know I could never forget her.

"Baby, I couldn't even if I tried. But-"

She pushes me into the ship, then jumps on after me.

"-I won't have to."

We all look at her with wide eyes.

"Jenna! You can't come to Zero Zero!  You can't leave everyone and everything here!"

She embraces me, and I hug her back.

"Yes I can. If it means being with you."

While Jenna and I hold onto each other, Mikey turns and walks through some door.

"Well I guess she's coming. I'm going to drive. Buckle up."

I bring Jenna over to a seat, and we both sit and buckle the seat belts. Once we're situated. I feel a rumble, letting me know we're on our way. I grab onto my girlfriend's hand and smile at her.

"I can't believe you're coming to my world. I can't wait to show you everything and have you meet my friends and family. Well, you've already met one member of my family. But there's still my parents. Also my best friends,
5-R-4-N-7 and R-4-Y. You saw a picture of them before, 5-R-4-N-7 was the one with green hair and R-4-Y had blue."

Hesitant Juarez (BOOK 1 1/2) (GERARDS VERSION OF HESITANT ALIEN)Where stories live. Discover now