•The names Strange.. Steven Strange•

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So since y'all said u guys wanted another chapter, here ya go!! Also thank you! If y'all hadnt said that u guys wanted another chapter I would've deleted this but anyways..

heheh so um I just wanna say again I'm sorry for not uploading 😂 Ive just rly been down in the dumps lately but I hope this chapter makes up for it !
Anywaysss don't forget that -
Also I don't know if this lines up but this takes place AFTER the movie Dr. Strange soo he's already a wizard😂

Peters POV

She seems nice.

He stared up at the ceiling marveling at how soft the bed was underneath him.
He was lost in his thoughts.

I wonder if Mr. Stark wonders whe-

Ding Dong !

Peter sat up ready for a fight.

"Oh that's him!"

Christina popped her head in the doorway smiling worriedly.

"Remember that friend I mentioned? The one who's really good at surgery and stuff? I mean he's not really a surgeon anymore and he's like this sort of magical wizard now... but anyways! Um yeah he's here, I'm gonna go get him and tell him about your injuries? If that's ok?"

Peter smiled at how she ranted.

"Of course. I-I don't mind."

Christina breathes a sigh of relief.

"oh thank god."
She hastily sprinted to her door and opened it inviting a strange looking man with a - a cape?

Ok then. Well I can't say that's the craziest thing I've seen..

He listened to them talk about him for a few minutes...

Third person POV

"Stephan thank god your here."

"Yes but- you never really told me why I'm here?"

"Oh yeah! Ok so I was driving down the road a few nights ago and I see this figure collapse on the side of the road near and alleyway so obviously I go to check him and see if he's ok."

Stephan smiled.

"And I see it's a kid who can't be older then 16! And he's in a pile of his own blood! So of course I put him in the back of my car and brought him here because I didn't know if he was in some sort of danger or anything. So when I brought him here I did a little check up on him and he was covered in cuts, bruises, burns, broken bones, you name it. And... Stephan it-it didn't look like somebody did it on accident."

By now Stephan's smile had disappeared and a worried look took its place.

"A-and he also had marks on his neck, wrists and ankles that, um, I'm not sure but they looked like he was in chains of some sort."

Stephan seemed to be deep in thought.
"Show me to him"

Christina nodded and gestured for him to follow her down the hallway.

She stopped at one of the guest bedroom doors, and cautiously knocked.

"Hey Pete.. um can we come in?"

She waited until he said:

"Y-yeah of course"

She gently pushed the door open revealing the broken boy on the bed.
He was already sitting up with his back leaning on the bed frame.

"Um ok Stephan meet Peter. Peter meet Stephan Strange."

Peter managed to smile wobbly at the man.

Stephan gave him a reassuring smile and said,
"Hey there. Christina called me up because she said you were injured pretty badly.. is it ok if I do a quick check up?"

"U-uh yeah"

"Ok then, here just lay down for a second"

Peters eyes widened as Strange started making symbols out of thin air. He made a giant oval and then laid it onto Peters body.

"Holy shit.."

Peter looked up alarmed.

Strange looked at him with wide eyes.
"U-um it's just that your injuries are like really bad.. like it had to have been someone really skilled with torture to do this.. but um it's not only that. Your healing at a remarkable pace! It's like your cells are knitting together 10x a normal person. Its almost like your DNA is mutated w-with something else.. l-l-liKe a.. a-"

"A spider"

Strange looked at peter surprised.
"Uh yeah actually.. wait spider? Wait hold on a minute.."

Peter let out a sigh.
Well I might as well tell them, it's not like they're gonna hurt me.

"Yeah.. I'm Spider-Man"

**mwa ha ha ha guesss whatttt TIME SKIP**

Strange POV

He looked at the young boy asleep on the bed.
That's Spider-Man? The mini hero of Queens? How can a 15 year old boy be saving people, I mean he's still in high-school?!

Strange shook his head and walked away sitting down at the dining table.

"Hey Stephan.."

Strange looked up to see Christina standing in the doorway.
"Uh hey what's up? Is there something wrong?"

Christina chuckled quietly,
"No, I just wanted to see how your doing"

Strange was dumbfounded.
"I-uh I'm fine, I guess. I just feel so bad for the kid.. what's his name again? Peter right? What's his last name?"

"Um I think his last name is Parker."

"Have you contacted his parent or guardian?"

"Well um, I asked him if there was anyone I could contact and he just got quiet and shook his head no"

"Oh then um.. I don't really know what to do, I mean he can always stay with me.. I don't know if it's safe for him to stay with you.. there might be people who are looking for him, bad people."

Christina looked down thinking about it.
"You're right, thats probably the best thing to do right now."

Thank god she said yes.. I don't want anything bad to happen to her.. or the kid.

Christina stood up and started walking to peters room.

"Ok I'll go get him."

Ok sooo yeah I don't really know where this is going but I feel like some action is gonna start happening soon!!


pretty sad Peter Parker lol (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now