Chapter 13

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(This chapter will get sexual just to warn you)


"What do you mean 'we have a problem.'?" Harry's voice turned dark, dangerous, and like I've said before- it's when he's angry and his voice is calm when he scares me the most.

Harry began pacing around the room, giving simple answers back to Louis like 'yeah' or 'okay'.

"No I'm not going to tell her, not now at least. I have a plan for tomorrow and this can't get in my way, so we'll deal with this in a few days. For now, I don't want anymore interruptions."

I could hear Louis agreeing with Harry, then they both hang up.

"Harry?" My voice sounded pleading and hoarse, it's late and it's been a very long day.

Silence. He walked over to the bed, throwing me my top, and lifting up the sheets before crawling into them and laying down.

"Harry what's wrong?"

"Just go to bed, Jules. Everything's fine."

I didn't believe him of course, but I did what I was told. Immediately Harry wrapped me into his arms, and I could feel the heat of his chest against my back as we both slowly drifted into a deep sleep.


I'm eating my breakfast when Harry walks down the stairs with only basketball shorts on and joins me.

"We have plans tonight." He says with no tone in his voice while he grabs breakfast and sits across from me.

"Do you always have plans, Harry?" I question slightly annoyed. He's always forcing me to go places, he's so demanding.

"Yes, Jules. I do." He replies with a matter-of-fact tone and a cocky grin, but I wasn't joking.

"Oh, just like you had a plan last night at the club?" I smirk at him before taking another sip from my juice box.

"At least I got you back, you should be grateful I was able to keep you safe." His last comment made my smirk turn into a frown, keep me safe?

"You can't protect me from everything, Harry." I reply to him before taking my things over to the sink and placing them inside, making a high pitched noise when they bump into each other.

He won't be able to always keep me safe, just like last night, things happen. I'll get hurt or taken from him again, and he might not be able to stop it.

"Yes, but I can try." Harry's voice is directly behind me, and his bare chest comes into contact with my back. The heat of him immediately hits me, warming up my whole body. "I have to try." He finished in a whisper.

He wraps his arms around me, holding my waist, and begins kissing my neck, leaving the occasional love bite.

I tilt my head back towards him, giving him more access, as the back of my head is now resting on his chest.

The feeling is amazing- being kissed on your neck. The sensation made the hairs on my neck stand up on end, chills run throughout my body.

He suddenly stops and swats my bum, making me turn around and gape at him with wide eyes.

How romantic.

"Save that for tonight, yeah?" He says smugly before licking his lips and winking, causing me to playfully hit his arm.

He rubbed his forearm softly, looking at me with puppy dog eyes, pretending he was hurt.

"How could you?" His voice was hurt, but I could tell he was just putting on a show.

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