Chapter 14

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"You're joking, right?" I begin to laugh, reassuring myself more than asking him.

"No, I'm not. I don't joke, Jules." My heart pounds through my chest as I think about the things they could be doing to her right now. He was going to hurt me, and Bria is much smaller and fragile than I am. I was barely able to stand my ground, but Bri?

That's a different story.

"We have to do something!" I rush out as I try to stand up from my position, even though all I wanted was to lay here surrounded by the candles and fall asleep to the calming sounds of the night.

"Nope, you're staying right here." He softly protests while gripping onto my arm, pulling me down and back into him. "The boys and I will handle it soon, it's too dangerous for you to go at all, let alone by yourself."

I knew he was right, but that doesn't mean I was going to listen. Obviously I know what happens when I don't do what Harry tells me too, but we couldn't wait for something like this.

Who knows all the horrible things they're doing to her at this very moment?

I shudder at the nightmare like thought.

I have to get Bri as soon as I can, he doesn't know what it's like to be held captive.

I nod, giving him the impression I won't try and go after her. Maybe if I can just wait long enough until he falls asleep...

"Goodnight, Jules." He lowly whispers before encasing me back into his arms, and pulling me so close there wasn't an inch of space in between us.

"Goodnight, Harry."


I'm not sure how long I've been lying here awake, but I don't want to fall asleep. I'm hoping Harry is completely out because I'm going after Bri.

I know I keep getting myself into trouble- constantly trying to escape or get away from where I am, but I'm not escaping, after this past night there's almost an urge to stay.

I just can't deal with the guilt of leaving Bria all by herself, she probably has no idea what's going on. Harry's not going to like it, but he's going to have to get over it.

I've made up my mind then- I'm going to get Bria.

As slowly and quietly as I can, I stand up and grab my clothes, changing into them before turning around and gazing at Harry for a few moments.

The candles were still lit, besides a few that had been blown out from the wind, and they were giving Harry's face a beautiful glow, showing all the imperfections that made him perfect.

I knelt down next to him and kissed his warm cheek.

"I'll be back soon." I talk as quietly as I can to not wake him before standing up and walking towards the woods, over to Harry's car.

I'm not sure what I'm thinking, Harry's going to blow up on me for this.

I try to relax as I turn on the radio and start the car, trying to remember the way to Alec's place.

Let's hope I can make it there and not get completely lost.

I remember the general area of where it was, but I know I'll recognize more as I get closer.

Or at least I hope.


After driving for a while longer, I finally recognize where I am, confirming my assumptions.

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