Introduction! (IMPORTANT)

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Hi everyone!
I'm very excited to finally be able to share this story with someone other than close friends.

Inspired by possibly my favorite Dungeons and Dragons campaign ever, I'll attempt to put my and my friend's experiences into words and hopefully, you'll all enjoy the end result.

This is a work in progress and I'm not sure how it'll turn out. This is my first ever attempt at writing anything and your feedback is greatly appreciated! I'm in the middle of the semester at the Police Academy and free time is pretty hard to come by, however, if you guys enjoy the first few parts, I'll be more than happy to try my hardest to update the story frequently.

Now, here's a bit of a backstory on the main characters of the story, or at least the first parts of it.

Ilamin :

Commander of the Celestial Army on the seven layers of Mount Celestia, this Redeemer Paladin of the God of Justice, Tyr, after witnessing his men die at the hands and blades of his fiendish enemies, fought his way into the nine Hells in an act of hate and sorrow, where he was captured, nearly breaking his Oath of Redemption.

After being tortured and cut off from Mt Celestia, he was thrown into the plane of Shadowfell as he was of no further use to the fiends since he wouldn't speak a word and they knew he would suffer for the rest of his days knowing that he failed as a leader. His mission now, is to find some way to return to his place and save anyone he can on the way. He had heard tales of a magical structure capable of traveling everywhere and in every past, present and future. He needed to find it.

Edrahil Dor' Lomin :

(He doesn't have the markings on his face, but it was the picture closest to how I had imagined him during his creation.)

A street urchin of a major town with a dark past, the high elf has been on the run ever since he witnessed his father being murdered by a death tyrant, an entity of chaos and destruction that decimated his city and turned its inhabitants into mindless monsters; undead beings wandering the land in masses, destroying everything in their path.

After striking a deal with a deity that oddly enjoyed spending time in the earth of the 21st century, he obtained his father's soul and set himself on a mission to set it free within the Tower, a structure with a mind and world of its own that acts as the equalizer of the universe's magic forces. His father always spoke of it in admiration. It would bring him great joy to finally manage to witness its glory.

Extra details :

During the first parts of the story, Ilamin had difficulty contacting Mount Celestia through his celestial connection due to a curse placed on him by the fiends. Though he could speak to the ones above, they weren't able to pinpoint exactly where he was located and any attempts he made to explain his location simply seemed to not go through.

Edrahil on the other hand, after being approached by a strange man by the name of Dec, followed him into a shack on the inside of an alley within the walls of a city he was passing through for work. There he was taken to another era, where he caught a glimpse of our modern world and was offered his father's soul in exchange of his services. He were to place three skulls in three different planes of existence before his father's soul could be released within the tower. Those would harvest the plane's energy and materials in order for Dec to create his own world.
After Edrahil agreed and turned to walk out the door, he fell into a dark void and kept on falling until he broke a hole through some wooden planks of a tavern's ceiling.

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