Chapter 2 - The Forest

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"We really need to take a break." the elf complained as the duo reached a clearing within the inky green underbrush. "I feel like I'm on the verge of collapsing." Still, after four or five hours of following the paladin through the dense forest on foot, who could blame him?

"Are you sure you know where we're headed?"

"Do not doubt me, elf." The paladin said through his helm as he turned his head to look at his travelling companion walking along his horse before shifting his attention to the path ahead. "We're not far. Just a few more hours and we'll be out of the forest. From there it's no more than a quarter of a day on foot. At least-" he shrugged -" that's what some travelers I helped before I came to the tavern inquired."

His steed whinnied, seemingly sharing the elf's concern. "But perhaps a rest-" he pet the animal's neck and smiled softly -"is not such a terrible idea."

"Thank the Gods!" the smaller figure exclaimed as he leaned against a nearby tree and sat on the ground against it. "I don't need long, I only have to stretch my legs. We can get going as soon as she rests." he said, nodding towards the paladin's steed before giving his sore calves a rub and stretching his legs out in front of him with a sigh of relief.

"Very well." Ilamin said as he took another look around the area. The inky, sage-green forest reeked of age, its woody incense formed from centuries of snapping branches crashing to the forest's floor and rotting silently. The composting, organic smell rose up in waves, yet every jet-black, sprawling tree reminded him of the things he wished he kept forgotten, a silent reminder of the horrors of his past. A sombre silence overhung the clearing ahead, where the trees dared not grow and a pale white cloud of mist shielded the damp soil from view beneath his feet. Nothing stirred, nothing shone and nothing sang.

Night would come soon, he could feel it. In Shadowfell, night and day could only be told apart by the already dimming light growing dimmer, sometimes being extinguished all together.

"Neither of us should sleep. It's-" he climbed off his horse, the wet sound of his feet hitting the mud and his metal plating crashing together at the joints, disturbing the eerie silence around them -" about to get a lot darker soon. You don't want to get caught unaware in a place like this."

"I can see in the dark just fine."

The paladin shook his head."Don't be foolish. Just because you can see," he paused, hitching his horse on a sturdy branch of a nearby oak tree before turning his head to look at his travelling partner, "doesn't mean you will."

The elf scoffed, missing his companion's point. "Should I be offended?"

The paladin bowed his head before looking at the sitting figure and spoke, his tone sincere and collected. "I was referring to the dangers the night cycle of this place brings forth, not doubting your race's gift."

"Oh..." The elf thought for a moment. "You know, it'd be a lot easier for me to understand what you want me to understand if I could see your face as you speak."

Ilamin stiffened, his posture straight. "I cannot remove my helm. Not here. It is forbidden."

"Who forbids it?"

"My -" his eyes widened as the putrid smell of death reached his nostrils and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He knew the feeling of necrotic energy all too well.

"Your....what? God? Facial disfigurement? The time of day?" The elf continued, seemingly oblivious to the dark aura slowly circling around them.

"Stop talking." The paladin uttered, glancing around completely alert with his hand on the hilt of his sword, prepared for any dangers. "Do it now."

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