Chapter 4

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Before we go inside the big mansion of his, I remembered something so I stopped.

Making the tall man looked at me as he tilted his head and asked,"What's wrong little boy? Are you scared?"

I shake my head no.

"Umm.. can you promise me that we'll find daddy?" I asked looking at his blank face, if he had eyes, they would be the ones I'd be looking at.

He chuckled deeply and kneeled down towards me,"I promise that we'll find your daddy, little boy."

I smiled at him and even though he has no face I could feel like he smiled back at me.

He was about to stand up and that's when I remembered something important again,"Umm.. I still don't know what you're called, mister."- I said and looked up to his empty soft face

He looked at me for awhile and answered,"I'm known as Slenderman, but you can call me Slender."

Slenderman? I think I heard that name somewhere but I can't remember.

"How about Slendy? Can I call you Slendy, mister Slenderman?"- I asked, hoping he'll agree

There was silence for a minute then I heard him sighed and nodded.

"You can call me whatever you like, Jake."

. . .


***(Y/N)'s Pov***

"My lady, you have to calm down--" I swing my clenched fist aiming for his face but Leo swiftly caught my hand making me growl, how could he say that?!

"My son is missing Leomord! M-I-S-S-I-N-G! MISSING! And you want me to calm down?! Calm down in this situation?!! MY SON IS FVCKING MISSING, LEOMORD!!!" I shouted in pure anger and punched my wooden desk, accidentally breaking it, small pieces of wood scratched my face making it bleed but it soon disappeared.

My eyes no longer the bright (e/c) ones they used to be, but the color of black and red seething in anger.

Leomord sighed as there was someone who knocked on the door, I did not mind it and stared back at my window, viewing the forest my son had gone missing to.

I chewed on my nails and did not noticed that it already drew blood until my tongue had gotten the taste of the metallic crimson liquid.

I heard Leo opened the door but still, I did bothered to look at who the visitor was.

My mind was packed with so many questions--where was Jake? Is he okay? Is he afraid on his own? Did someone kidnapped him?! Is he hurt? Is he feeling lonely? Does he miss me?--these questions remained unanswered and it's making me lose my sanity.

"(N/n)-chan." I heard a very familiar voice called my name, making me involuntarily twist my head and look at who it was.

My eyes widen when I saw the figure,my worry slowly ceasing and I didn't knew why it did,"Lyza..?"

She smiled as her brown wavy bangs fell on her eyes, slightly covering them but still enabling her to see.

"Glad you still remember me (N/n)-chan!" She said her smile not wavering as she quickly walked near and hugged me tightly.

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