Chapter 3 - Even Rae's Ass can't fit in his hands

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The next morning


I woke up with a heavy head, my intoxicated actions of last night resulted in a terrible consequence. In all fairness it was my fault, I wish I'd pushed harder to stay home.

I grazed my hand along my counter top in search for my phone, once I'd found it I pressed the home button. The blinding light scorched my eyes causing me to let out at an audible groan.

01:34pm, shit.

I whip my phone up to my ear to call Seth with immense urgency. Once again I groan in pain, due to the violent action I'd made.

"Answer, answer" I whisper to myself. After phoning Seth for the 10th time I gave up hope and decided to head into the shower.

Once I'd striped off my clothes I placed one foot onto the cold surface of the bathtub and the second one followed hesitantly. Kneeling down I fiddled with the taps adjusting them to get the perfect temperature.

Once the hot water graced my head, I instantly began to feel relaxed. This was literally a God send.

Considerably later, I stepped out of the shower feeling much better than I previously did. I'd wrapped my towel around my body whilst opening the door, and the cold air hit me like a ton of bricks. It was no less pleasing than the sight before me.

"Walk of shame, huh?" I called after the infamous Ethan Burke "No surprise, is it like this everyday? With all the girls chasing after you? Hmm?" I carry on mockingly.
"I don't have time for this" he replied simply.

"But you had time to sleep with Jordan" I said smirking, I like this new witty side of me. Never would I have been daring to talk to The Ethan Burke let alone look his way.

"Oh and whilst your in your dorm tell Seth, I'm waiting on his call"

"Sure" he said convincingly whilst holding up his middle finger.

Well that was unexpected.

Surprisingly 23 minutes later, yes I've been counting, I received the much anticipated call from Seth.

"Hello?" I say

"Hi Sienna" he says bluntly.

"Thank God, you weren't answering my calls" I said with a sigh of relief.

"Well I was with Professor ....."

"Why didn't you get me? We'd agreed on meeting him together"

"You weren't in the right mindset at the given time Sienna"

"Well can you help me with the assignment please?"

"I don't think that'd be the best idea"

"Why not?"

"Given the situation of yesterday, I'm not sure I'm comfortable around you"

"I was drunk Seth! I didn't even enjoy the party, if you could call it that. It was a congregation of sexually frustrated minors, performing raunchy dance moves using alcohol to help them create a new persona" I rambled.

"And that was your new 'persona'?"

"Yes, Seth"

"Then I'll make this an exception and forgive you" He said.

"Thanks, meet me in 5?" I breathed with a sigh of relief. This is more so that I would be able to complete my homework, than the fact that I'd regained his companionship.



I removed the phone from my ear and stared at it waiting for him to hang up. Since I didn't want to be rude and end him in mid sentence, its a habit I have. I'm skating on thin ice as it is anyway.

I quickly rushed over tto he dresser and grabbed my tan leather satchel and packed my textbooks and workbooks. As I was passing by the mirror in a rush I looked in the mirror, unhappy with my appearance.

"Better change" I said to myself.

I grabbed some conventional jeans which weren't too think for the spring season and a thin jumper. Now I don't look like the video vixen I appeared to be last night. I slipped on my ballerina flats and paced down the corridor like a mad woman because I knew I'd be late.

I knocked on Seth's door panting and very much so famished. My hands were placed on my knees and I attempted to recover from my exhausted state.

"Water, water please" I whispered. I clearly need to get a gym membership, not that I'd go.

He stepped back allowing me to walk myself to his fridge and pour out a cup of ice cold water. Once I'd caught my breath, he finally spoke.

"15 minutes 27 seconds" he said, giving me one of his signature scowls which he tends to shoot at anyone but me.

"I'm so sorry, I ran as fast as I could" I pleaded, attempting to give him the puppy-eye look.

"Just take a seat"

I gladly walked over to the chair,knowing he would no longer be scrutinizing me. I placed my textbooks on the his chocolate brown coffee table and sat down on the opposing sofa. After about an hour or so I finally grasped the concept of chemical fixation, which if I do say so myself is an achievement.

"Now that this finally over and you don't have to painfully watch me attempt writing a hypothesis and method on chemical fixation, would you like to go to Starbucks?" I asked.

"I can't, my hands are full sorry"

As he finished his sentence, there was a knock on the door which clearly startled Seth as he jumped ever so slightly. He looked down at me and nodded nervously before making his way to the door, with his head hanging over his broad shoulders.

He placed his hand on the door knob and looked round at me, which I found rather perculiar. Before the door was even opened wide enough for a group of ants to pass by, Seth's visitor barged the door open and nearly knocked him out.

"Oh hey Sienna" Rae announced "Where's Seth?"

I raised my hand and pointed to the side of the door which Seth was slowly recovering from. Rae leaned round the side of the door and greeted him with a massive grin, which I couldn't help but feel strange about. Once Seth had finally regained his balance, he looked between Rae and I and turned beet red. This must be what his hands are full off. Even Rae ass can't fit in his hands.

We stood in the same position staring at eachother with forced smiles planted on our faces, until I plucked up the courage to break the silence. However, my courage only took me far enough to announce that I'd be leaving the room.


Picture of Seth for yaaa (:

So this chapter wasn't really that eventful, well I don't think it was, was it? I know fillers are annoying but they're necessary but I guess not this early on in the book but really come on who's life really has drama everyday. Have you no chill?!

Question of the Chapter: What do you do in your free time or do you do any extra curricula activities?

I've wanted to be a gymnast for the longest time, but I'm the furthest thing from flexible or nimble. Unfortunately my mum didn't think to take me to gymnastics or dance when I was younger. I can't complain though, I've had the chance to be a pianist but I copied my brother with everything and gave up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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