~Brotherly love~

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4 days ago

Well my idea was for Imno, Richie and Collin its not really a ship buuuut Brotherly love! My request is for the other two to try and get Inmo to meet new people like Kay, Zylo, Bryan and all that but Inmo is having a hard time -w-;

Request by: Origins_girl

I decide to make this happen after the whole incident with Bryan thing.

Richie's pov

I had just got back from a mission with Michael, Bri, and Austin when my brother Collin ran up. "Oh jeez! Are these people all your friends!?" He questioned. "Uh- Yeah? They are, why?" "That means you might be able to help! See, Inmo is very shy and the only time you can actually hear him is when he's singing. So I was wondering if you could help me take him around camp and convince him to try to meet new people." He replied. "Oh- Uh- I guess I could help you guys, since you guys are my brothers after all." "Great, let's go!" He said cheerful.

We found Inmo and explained what would happen, he was unsure but excepted. Though we searched for a little while, it seemed no one was in amp. I pulled Collin to the side and asked him what had happened to everyone and he said they were having a surprise for Inmo's 16'th birthday. He also mentioned that a couple people would be out today to hep us distract him. We headed back to Inmo and went to the first person w saw. Kaykrae, kay for short. "Oh hey guys! Happy birthday Inmo! I got you a present!" She then handed Inmo a pare of miracas. Inmo smiled at her and sang thank you. They both smiled befor Inmo turned around and walked away. Collin walked after him as Kay's face dropped. She did NOT look happy anymore but decided to go back and help the others decorate. I caught up to the others and we saw Bryan, Inmo started running towards him at lightning speed. Me and Collin were both shocked and chased after him.

Inmo's pov

I saw my crush Bryan sitting on a bench reading a book and ran up to him. He saw me running to him and sat the book down, then he stood up and waved at me. I jumped into his arms and gave him a huge hug. I then gave him a peck on the cheek and and starred into his eye, not letting go. He looked at me confused, while he was blushing. Richie and Collin ran up and were shocked, they decided to just sit there and watch to see what would happen next. "U-uh... H-hi Inmo... Um... What are you doing?" He asked still blushing. "Well it's my birthday today and I want a present. Maybe becoming a couple could be my present?" "Um, I'll think about it. Say, why don't we go talk to someone else now?" He replied. We all agreed and went to the next person we saw, which was Brick. As soon as we got over there he grabbed Bryan's arm and pulled him close. He now had his hand on Bryan's hip and Bryan's hands on his chest trying to push away. Brick looked at him and said. "Hey my little angel~ It's been a while hasn't it~?" Bryan had a cold expression on his face, he wasn't blushing at all. "Get. Off. Of. Me. NOW!!!!" He yelled. With that he suddenly looked like evil Bryan and some force pushed him away. I pulled out a knife, "NO ONE TOUCHES MY SEMPAI!" I said as I stabbed him in the back. Bryan opened a portal and teleported Brick away. He then turned back to normal and we went to the lunch room. I found out that everyone was having a party for me and I was so happy.


Me and my brothers were hanging out and agreed that we wouldn't tell ANYONE about what had happened before the party. We then had a group hug. "You guys are the best brothers ever!" "You too Inmo!" They said in sync. I think this has been the best birthday in my life, and soon to be best year now that I have my brothers.

Sorry It's so short, I'm not really good at making storys. Comment down below more ships please.

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