Part 2

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when i got back into the classroom, everyone was talking loudly which was good. i just wanted to get through the lesson and get home so i could cry. but the teacher noticed me.
"ahh, April, there you are. Are you okay, my dear?" she asked. i thought it was nice that she was asking me that but i didn't really want to answer so i just nodded at her and left her looking concerned. she just shrugged her shoulders and went back to her chair. i day through the rest of that lesson letting my mind go blank. i didn't care about anything anymore.
at break time i couldn't hold it in. i burst out in tears and sunk down against the wall onto the floor. immediately Hanna rushed up to me and put her arms around me. i couldn't even explain because the tears kept coming. i think she got the point.
"okay, let's take you to Oasis. i don't think you should go to History. i'll tell the teacher. let's go." i just let her lead me to the Oasis because i couldn't do anything else. it's not like i wanted to go to history anyway. when they saw my face they called for a counsellor to come and speak to me. luckily the nicest person in the whole school came to see me.
"Hey, April. let's go into the Hub and we can talk about this." she said as i followed her to the door.
"there's some tissues there, if you need them. you don't have to tell me anything, it's okay if you want to just sit in the Oasis for a bit, but of course we can't let you miss the rest of the day because of this." she was being sooo sweet and it made me feel like telling her so i did.

after i'd explained everything, she gave me a glass of water.
"i know who that is. my daughter loves her. she got the VIP, i have to say, i got it for her. i kinda like billie too. her voice is very soothing." she said softly. my heart was beating so fast. a counsellor at my school likes the same artist as me? i couldn't believe it.
"can i text my mum?" i croaked.
"of course, dear. do whatever you need."
i reaches for my phone and sent three crying emojis to my mum.
she replied with i'm so sorry, baby. are you okay? you'll be fine. this just made me want to cry more.

i sat in the Oasis for the whole of that lesson and lunch, although i didn't eat anything. in the afternoon they let me stay in there but they brought me some work from the classes that i would have gone to. the closer the end of the day got, the more i dreaded it. i just wanted to cry.
"right, April. you can come and speak to me anytime you like, okay? whatever lesson you're in, wherever you are, just come and talk to me about anything. just remember that i'm here. bye April, see you tomorrow." Miss Hope told me.
"Thank you." i managed to whisper back, and with that i turned around and headed out the door. Hanna was waiting there for me.
"hey, come here. i've been there, where you are right now. i've been through that shit." she said, pulling me into a hug.
"yeah but you actually got the tickets in the end, i didn't." i said solemnly.
"you never know, you might."
"how could i? mum said they'd sold out. there's no way i'm meeting her now." i said, almost crying again. on the walk home i said nothing.

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