part 5- the actual day.

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soooo up until that very day, i was very happy. and at those times when i was feeling anxious or sad or angry or confused i would just remember that i was meeting billie eilish, and it would cheer me up. so yeah, that's how i got through the rest of that year.

"oh, you're already up. what a surprise. today's the day, babygirl. today's the day you're gonna meet your idol." mum came in, perching on my bed.
i smiled at her intensely. so much that my jaw ached.
she smiled at me back and gave me a hug.
"get showered and dressed, i'll make some breakfast." she said, making her way back downstairs. i decided to wear my green blohsh tee and green billie shorts. i had my billie x h&m waist bag with me. i took forever doing my hair, i did space buns with green hair bands and put my blohsh earrings on. i was definitely ready. i didn't think i'd be able to stomach any food because i was too excited but Mum practically forced me. at breakfast i had a flashback to the day when i found out i got the tickets, and how i'd felt when Mum said i hadn't got them. it made me want to cry when i thought about that day but i decided to keep my tears for later.
i basically ate nothing for breakfast, just a cereal bar that tasted like cardboard and a tiny glass of orange juice. i couldn't take it in. i was meeting billie eilish.

the show didn't start until 6pm, but the m&g would be before and we were told to get there for 5pm if we had m&g tickets. it was 11am and we were both ready. when my mum saw me standing with my bag ready to go, she stood there and laughed at me.
"hey, don't laugh! i'm ready for this, Mum. i'm ready to meet my idol." i said, posing as if someone was taking a picture of me. okay i had now come to terms with the fact that it was only 11am and we didn't have to leave til 4pm because it's an hour on the train, so i went to my room and called Hanna.
"Hanna, today's the day! i'm seeing her! today! i cant believe it. seriously i was crying all of last night. didn't sleep one bit." i greeted her.
"omg i know! i'm so happy for you! i actually can't wait! you know when this happened to me, i was ready at 7am and my mum made fun of me for it but eventually the time came around and honestly it was the best day of my life." she explained. she had been to see Ariana Grande and got to meet her and the process she went through to get the tickets was exactly the same as me.

once i got off the phone to Hanna, i broke down in tears. i just sat there and cried for like an hour. Mum came in to see me. she didn't say anything at first. she just wrapped her arms around me. i wrapped my arms around her.
"i know it's overwhelming, baby. we've gotta leave in 3 hours. you've got 3 more hours to cry." she joked.
"it's overwhelming, but it's such a good overwhelming feeling. it's the best feeling ever. Mum, you know when i get there i'm gonna be crying." mum already knew this.
"yes, i know you will. i know how much she means to you. i was obsessed with someone just the same as you when i was your age." she said, still hugging me. "oh, Mum, i don't know how i'm gonna deal with this. how am i going to deal with the fact that she's gonna be right there in front of me? i don't know what i'm gonna say!" i panicked.
"calm down. it's alright. you said you'll be in tears. so she'll understand. she's seen it before, don't forget. so if you're in tears, you give her a hug, wipe your eyes, look into her eyes, smile at her, tell her you love her, tell her what she's helped you through, give her another hug. maggie and i will take care of filming you guys. she'll tell you she loves you too." it just hit me that her whole family will be there too. i really couldn't wait.

for the next three hours, i sat thinking about what i was gonna do. i called Hanna again, thank god she was there for me. then i looked at some pictures of bil and cried. then Mums shouting voice snapped me out of my crying.
"April! We've gotta go! Come on, let's go meet billie eilish!" she shouted cheerfully.
"shit, it's time to go. bye Hanna. i've gotta go meet my idol. shit that sounds so weird. uhhh got to go!" i said. just before i hung up, i heard her say, "have fun! enjoy meeting billie eilish! send me loads of photos pleaseeee! bye!" i smiled and slipped my phone into my bag.
"let's go." i said to Mum as i head out of the door. we were a bit early for our train so we had to wait. there was this other girl in billie merch, she was waiting with someone who looked like her dad. she smiled at me. i couldn't believe there was someone else. she came over to me and we started chatting all about billie and her songs and her concert. turns out this girl had vip too. her name was Anna. i loved that name. me and Anna stuck together for the whole time. the sun was almost setting when we got there.
the Arena was now in sight. my heart was beating so fast. i took a deep breath and Anna joined in.
"it's weird, isn't it? knowing we're going to meet someone who we've only ever seen through a screen. she doesn't seem real." Anna said.
"well we're gonna find out that she is real today. very soon, in fact. " i agreed.

so now we were getting off the train. i was trying my hardest to control my breathing. there was a massive queue and we struggled to find the one for vip but we got there. as we were waiting in the line me and Anna talked more and more about her and i felt very close to Anna. we waited in the line. it took me a while to realise that our parents were talking too.

finally we were inside. it was so boiling in there. Anna gasped.
"look, April. there she is! that's billie eilish! right there!" she whisper-shouted, pointing.
i tried to get in front of her so i could see. she was right. there was billie eilish. i could see her cute outfit which was green blohsh stop and shorts just like the one i'd chosen to wear! i saw her bright green roots that stood out. it made me want to cry but i held back the tears.

my turn came around waaaay too quick. as soon as my mum nudged me to go towards her, i stood right there and cried, unable to hold back any tears.
"aww come here and gimme a hug!" billie said, holding her arms out. i immediately rushed up to her with my arms open wide. she wrapped her arms around me and in that moment i felt like it wasn't real. it was just a dream. soon i'd wake up and it'd all be fake. this wasn't really happening. but it was.
"how are you, my love? are you good? you look so beautiful!" billie said, looking into my eyes and cupping my face with her hands. i cupped her face with my hands and nodded. then i wiped my tears away.
"i'm good. i love you so much, billie. you've helped me through so much-" i couldn't finish the rest because the tears came flooding back.
"aww, angel. i love you too. come here!" she pulled me into the safest hug. i was bawling my eyes out.
"listen, dry those tears. i love you so much. please don't cry. it's okay. aww! take care of yourself, my love." she whispered, stroking my hair.
"i will, billie, i will. i love you" i said, fighting back more tears. then she wrapped her arms around me, smiled and faced the front where Maggie was taking a picture. i think she had been filming this whole time too. which was good. we posed for the picture.
"i love you. bye now, my love." billie said once more. i had to let go of her hands because the guard was telling me to move out the way. i looked back and saw Anna crying just like i did. Mum took my hand and wrapped her arm around my shoulder as we walked off.
"wow, baby. what'd she say to you?" Mum asked. i explained everything to her.
"we can watch the video later. i bet i look stupid in it." i said, remembering that we could go to her concert now.
"yes, we will. no, shut up, you don't look stupid you are beautiful. but right now we've got a concert to go to!" she yelled and held my hands whilst running. we both ran along to the place where she'd be performing. my eyes were sore from all that crying.

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