part 3 - a shock.

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i opened my front door as slowly as i could. when i got inside, Mum was sitting on the sofa staring at me. she looked very happy but didn't say anything. i just stared at her, dumped my bags down and made my way to my room. but before i could get very far i felt mums hand rest on my arm.
"stop, look." she held up her phone so i could see.
i couldn't believe it. it was confirmation of VIP!
thank you for choosing you will receive your VIP tickets for Billie Eilish concert at the Arena on 26/07/2020 through the mail within 7-10 days.
your confirmation number is 2037391001378
enjoy the show!
my hand shot up to my mouth.
"no. Mum? are you serious? no. that can't be true. nope i won't accept it. you're lying. that's fake." i said way too fast for anyone to understand.
"calm down, baby. yes it is real. look. here's proof." she said, putting an arm around me and showing me the amount of money it was.
"shit that was expensive. how did you get it? you told me you couldn't get them."
"mind your language, baby. i was so worried about you i told my friend all about it and she helped me. she helped me find them. almost ran out of time again! thanks to my friend though, i got them. so baby girl, you're going to meet billie eilish! you're going to give her a big hug!" mum shouted excitedly, hugging me.
"mum..i-..." i couldn't finish off my sentence because my words faded away into tears. i wrapped my arms around Mum and whispered "thank you.".
then i immediately ran upstairs to call Hanna. when she picked up, she looked very sad.
"why are you so happy? you didn't get the tickets. i thought you'd be sad. unless you got them? you got them? April. speak to me. did you get VIP?" her rushed voice came through the phone. i didn't speak, just sat there stupidly smiling at her. i couldn't speak for ages until i eventually screamed.
"YES! YES, HANNA I GOT THEM. I GOT VIP FOR BILLIE EILISH. IM GOING TO MEET HER AND SEE HER LIVE!" i saw Hanna's face light up. then suddenly my mum came in and started dancing around and screaming with me. Hanna joined in through my phone.
i was in total. shock. happiness. anxiety. nervousness. all these mixed feelings came flooding into my head as soon as i sat down and thought about it.

the next day at school, at break time i rushed straight to Oasis to find Miss Hope. the woman there told me to go to the Pastoral office. i made Hanna come with me but wait outside when we got there.
"yes, April. i see you're back. why is it this time?"
i had to contain myself and stop myself from screaming which was very difficult. so i just whispered instead.
"Miss Hope, i got VIP. i got the same as your daughter did! i'm meeting billie eilish!" i whisper-shouted. her face lit up just like Hanna's did.
"wow, Hanna. i'm so happy for you! have fun! you might see me and my daughter there." she replied, laughing. i just nodded at her and returned to Hanna who had been waiting patiently. i walked around for the rest of that day with the biggest smile on my face.

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