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|| 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐦𝐢𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧|| ❤

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|| 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐦𝐢𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧|| ❤.






"Cameron get the fuck out my face!" Janaee huffed and pushed my face away from hers. "Yo breath hot and it's burning my nose."

"Never did you just try me like that." I mugged her and she fanned her face.

"Forreal bae, get back my nose hairs burning."

"How my breath stank and I just brushed my teeth?"

"The same way yo ass stank after you get out the shower." She laughed and I mushed her head. "I'm just playing baby daddy, gimme kiss."


"I said I was just playi—"

"I wAs JuSt PlAyIn—fuck up." I smacked my lips and stood up from the couch before heading into the kitchen.

"Bring me some pickles mad ass!"

keep eating em watch she turn into one .

"Girl fuck you."

I opened up the refridgerator and grabbed me a juice before grabbing her pickles and walking back in the living room.

"But you got my pickles though."

"Only cause my son wanted em." I passed the jar to her and sat on the couch. "Nasty ass things."

"Shut up." She grabbed one out the jar before pulling the blanket over us and laying her head on my shoulder. "What we finna watch?"


"A Quiet Place cause yo ass always talking." I searched for it on Netflix and she huffed.

"Again? We watched that movie like 4 times already."

"I thought you liked it." I scrunched my face up and pressed play.

this my favorite movie if yall cant tell .

"I do but you know I get emotional on the part when the Papa died." She whined and I rubbed her shoulder.

"I know ma." I nodded my head in agreement. "That part sad enough to make a real nigga cry."

"Ain't they coming out with a part two?"

"Yeah, that's why—"

I was cut off by Teezy, Kennedy, Lexi, and Sheed bussing through my front door like they lived here.

"Told y'all my key worked." Teezy huffed as they took their coats off. "My best wouldn't give me a fake key."

"Best I told you to only use that for emergencies." Janaee sighed and I paused the movie.

"We was bored, don't that count as one?"

"Y'all lucky ion feel like putting y'all out."

"Y'all look comfortable." Kennedy plopped down on the couch. "What we watching?"

"Look at the little boy holding the rocket." Sheed pointed to the screen. "You can tell this A Quiet Place."

"Awwwwn, this part so sad." Lexi whined as her and Sheed found a spot on the floor and she laid on him.

"I love how y'all getting comfortable like we invited y'all in."

"You know we overstay our welcome." Teezy smacked his lips. "Where the rest of the blankets at?"

"It's some in the closet upstairs." Janaee told him and he made his way upstairs to get some.

"This so cute y'all." Kennedy cooed. "We having a movie night in the mansion."

"Bae go get us some snacks." Lexi tapped Sheed.

"Pookie go help him."


"Please?" Janaee whined. "I just want some graham crackers and some Lays."

"Aight ma." I got up from the couch and met Sheed in the kitchen as Teezy came downstairs holding two blankets.

Sheed grabbed two bags of hot popcorn while I grabbed some Cheez-Its, a bag of Lays, and a box of graham crackers.

"When y'all get some stamps, y'all owe me some." I said as Teezy joined us in the kitchen and went straight to his fully stocked poptart cabinet.

"This is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen." He opened the cabinet and stared at the poptarts in awe.

"Come on y'all, we ready to press play!" Lexi yelled from the living room.

"It's so many flavors, ion know which one to choose." Teezy sighed. "I think I'ma go with oreo cause that's what I am."

He grabbed the box of oreo poptarts and Sheed turned off the kitchen light before we made our way back to the living room.

"Thanks baby." Janaee pecked me on the lips as I passed her the snacks she asked for and sat the rest on the table.

I waited for Teezy to get under the cover with Kennedy on the couch and for Sheed to get on the floor and under the cover with Lexi.

"Aight nah." I grabbed the mocontro. "We keeping this movie night PG-13, meaning no white shit on my covers."

"And no macaroni noises either." Janaee backed me up.

"Y'all lucky my macaroni got ketchup in it."

"We promise to be on our best behavior guys." Teezy fake smiled us.

"Can we spenanight?" 

"And order pizza?" Sheed asked. "Using yo card?"

"Y'all asking for too much just watch the movie." I pressed play and sat the remote down on the table.


"I just knew I was gon cry." 

"That movie was funny as hell." Lexi laughed and we all looked at her crazy.


"Yes bro." She laughed. "I know y'all seen that man face when they was in the woods and he started yelling."

"Lexi shut yo high ass up." I laughed as Janaee lifted her shirt and rubbed her stomach.

"You aight ma?"

"Yeah, I think I just gotta stretch."

"Aight y'all, break time." Kennedy stood up. "It's the perfect time to get more snacks and use the bathroom before we find another movie."

"You done with these?" I motioned to the Lays and the jar of pickles and Janaee nodded her head as she stood up from the couch.

I grabbed the chips and the jar of pickles before putting them where they belonged in the kitchen and making my way back in the living room.

"Best, ain't you too big to be pissing on yoself?" Teezy scrunched his face up at Janaee and I looked down at the big ass puddle around her.

"I didn't pee—OH SHIT!" She looked down at the floor and grabbed her stomach.


"T-that was my water." She leaned on the arm of the couch and took a deep breath. "M-my water broke."

* not proofread , ignore any mistakes *

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