Chapter two: A lovely town in Maine. With monsters. Yup, totally harmless.

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*This is told the day before*


Percy was sparring with Conner when Annabeth went over to him. He stopped when he saw her and Conner went to go rest. "Hey Seaweed Brain" "Hey Wise Girl" He smiled at her and capped his sword, putting it in his pocket. "Chiron wants us to go to this thing with Grover and told us we can bring two more people. It's a town in Maine that supposedly has a barrier around it. Grover said he smelled something over there but couldn't get in because of the barrier. Apparently so can't a lot of satyrs.." "I just wanted a relaxing summer. Is that too much to ask?" "Apparently" Annabeth said with a small laugh. Conner overheard their conversation and went up to them. "Can Travis and I come?" He said, thinking he could rob some things over there. Him and Travis had run out of things to steal. They needed a new setting with new stores. "Yeah sure. I'll go tell Grover" She said then left the boys to go back to sparring. She quickly found Grover in the forest, explaining to Juniper that he had to leave. She waited for him to stop explaining and went over to him, telling him that it was going to be him, her, Percy, Travis, and Conner.

She then went to the big house, wanting to talk to Rachel, wondering if this was going to be a full on quest, like when they got Nico and Bianca, or not. She saw her sitting on the couch and went over to her, sitting in the chair opposite her. "When will I come back?" She asked Rachel. "Tomorrow you'll sit in the big house with very important news and it will be the start, or end, of a war. To find the demigod, go to a restaurant called Granny's. You'll find them there." Annabeth thought for a moment, trying to figure out who this demigod could be. "Thank you.." She said then left, more worried when she left then when she got there. What war could this start? Why is this demigod so important? Did someone else want them?

Thoughts clouded her mind as she went over to Percy. They walked together to the van and Conner drove them to Maine using a map that was very old and confusing.

Almost 9 hours later, they were there and gods were they tired. Travis was almost killed by Annabeth, Grover got them lost a couple times, and they fought over the music constantly.

They started walking when they ran into a barrier, just like Grover said they would. They went right, trying to find a hole or something in it when they ran into Thalia. She lowered her bow and put it away, giving Percy, Annabeth, and Grover hugs. "Come with me. Lady Artemis found a way in" They followed her through a forest as Grover explained why they were there. They found Artemis talking to a man with a bow slung around his back, surrounded by all men, except for three. One was a woman in all armor who had black hair. Instead of a bow, she carried a sword. The other woman had blonde hair and was talking to another woman. The third was a bit older than the woman she was talking to and was firing an arrow at the tree. Artemis turned to them when they entered and told Thalia to escort them to town then come back. On the way to town Percy spoke up. "So why was Artemis hanging out with men? I thought you all had a pact to swear off men and all that" "I don't know why she was talking to him kelp brain. I know that he came back from the dead. Maybe that's why....this town is much weirder than I thought" She said, speaking the last part to herself. Suddenly they were cut off from their walk with a yellow bug racing towards them with a winged beast on the top. It looked like a human-demon breed. It had a stomach with abs that looked like Percy's (except far more ripped than his) and amber eyes that looked like the fires of hell (Annabeth would know. She's been there). Its body was covered in dark scales that greatly vary in size with wings that could only be on someone from hell. The black horns didn't help matters either. They quickly got out of the way as the bug halted suddenly. The car halting made the demon lose its grip and it flung itself into the barrier, turning to dust. The yellow car simply turned around and drove back to wherever it came from, like this was a natural occurrence to the owner. "What the hell is in this town?" Percy said, breaking the silence that ensued after that fiasco.

They managed to get to town and Thalia went back to Lady Artemis, leaving them alone to wander around. While walking around, Annabeth told them about what Rachel told her, that whatever they tell the camp, would be the start or end of the war and to go to a store called Granny's. After a couple of hours, they found it and a few minutes later, some kid came in, yelling to the owner that he was sorry he was late. He grabbed an apron and a pad and came over to their table, asking them what they wanted to order. About 5 minutes later, a girl with blonde hair and green eyes came in. To Grover, she looked like the child of Percy and Annabeth (if they ever had one). She went over to the waiter and Grover saw the tears in her eyes clearly. What was she crying about? While she was talking he smelled it. It was more distant than other demigods but it was definitely there. Maybe she was a legacy? The girl and boy seemed like good friends and the boy didn't ask what had happened, just gave her a quick hug. 

When she went over to the counter, he leaned over to Percy and told him what he smelled. That the girl over there was a demigod. ---------------------------------------------------------Please tell me what you think!!! I'm so excited for this book!! I love it already and have so many more ideas! 

Sorry this was late!! I didn't realize the date and my friend was over and fcbrfiebfihb sorry

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