Chapter 17: here's a tip- creepy people like bathrooms

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They got back to Storybrooke and Hope and Kyle went up to her mom while Christine and Annabeth went to the back.

"Can we borrow the bug?" She asked her mom

"Why do you need my bug?"

"We need to get to Texas. And a motorcycle won't fit 3 people"

"You're tiny enough. I'm sure you'll all fit" Kyle mumbled and Hope glared at him

Emma gave her the keys to her car and Hope smiled and hugged her "Thank you"

Emma laughed a little "No problem kid"

Hope teleported everyone to her house and the trio left, going into the car. Annabeth sat in the back while Hope and Chrisitne sat in the front. Annabeth charted the way for them and soon they were off. Regina had temporarily lifted the barrier to let them go and once they were gone, she got to work putting it back up. The trio sat in silence throughout the start, minus Annabeth telling her where to go. They had decided to take shifts while driving. First was Hope, then Chrisitne, then Annabeth since she had to navigate. The rule was that only one person was asleep at a time because they needed a navigator and usually, that person asleep was in the back. Christine fell asleep while waiting for her shift.

After a few hours later, they stopped for gas and some food. Christine woke up to use the bathroom while Annabeth went for food and drinks and Hope loaded the car with gas. When they got back into the car, it was Chrisitne's turn to drive and Hope handled the directions. She looked over at Annabeth's directions and scribbles on the map and learned that it would take them 31 hours to get there without stops and traffic. Plus a couple hours to actually get into the town and find the seven eleven and a couple hours given for traffic and stops totalled up to 36 hours. In a car. With Annabeth. Christine made it a little easier and at least they weren't fighting. But still. Annabeth. It's like a sibling when you guys are in a fight but not talking. It was that bad. Or when you're dreading seeing them because you know they'll start something. Annabeth went to sleep in the back while Christine and Hope talked quietly, trying not to wake her up.

"So how many siblings do you have?" She asked Christine. It never really occurred to her that she never knew Christine's mortal family.

"One younger sister, Molly. You?" she asked, glancing over at her before keeping her eyes on the road

"A half brother, Henry. He's older than me and has a kid of his own."

"How old is he?"

"36. His kid is 17"

They spent the rest of the ride learning more about each other. Hope learned that Christine's mother was in the army, her sister is 14, and her favorite music was rock.

An hour later they pulled into a gas station and everyone got out. Hope winced in pain as the poison inched its way closer to her heart. She went into the bathroom and into a stall and lifted up her shirt. It was at least up to her stomach now, almost at her ribcage. She had at least a week left before it reached her heart. They needed to be done with this quest. Soon. She heard a loud noise and a flash from outside. She cautiously opened the stall door to see a woman, around the age of 30 with blonde hair and green eyes wearing a dark robe which made her look like she was in a cult. She went to the sink to wash her hands, making it look like she had just gone to the bathroom.

"Hope." the woman stated and looked at her through the mirror.

Hope's hand went towards her bracelet. She turned off the water and turned around, facing the woman. "How the hell do you know my name?"


Hi! Pretty sure y'all wouldn't expect me to write today but I got inspo and my writer's block went away so I wrote and was able to upload today. Sorry this chapter is short. Cliffhanger and all that. You'll see who the woman is when I upload again. 

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