Chapter 8: *like John Mulaney* I have to do what?

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Hope awoke and immediately was greeted by Dean. Everyone was getting ready for the day and talking so no one would hear them talk. "So what was that blush last night when Christine smiled at you?" "There was no blush" "Oh there was totally a blush. Why?" "There was no blush!" She said louder to emphasize her point. Her cheeks turned light pink in embarrassment "You're blushing now!! Aw you have a crush!" "I do not!" she said then got up and grabbed clothes, going to the bathroom. "I know you think you won this because you got the last word but you technically left first which just proves my point" He said before Hope closed the bathroom door.

A conch horn blew in the direction of the dining pavilion, signaling the start of breakfast. Hope came out of the cabin dressed like most of her siblings-and most of camp. Seriously they had no other shirts. It's like they were afraid they were going to forget where they were. She was dressed in an orange camp half blood shirt and jeans, complete with sneakers. Her necklace was tucked into her shirt and her bracelet jangled on her wrist. She walked into the pavilion with her cabin mates and went over to the buffet line. She grabbed some waffles and bacon and found Christine, sitting next to her. She sat on the wall of the building, overlooking the waves of the ocean. With a twinge of pain she remembered her home. The fun memories she had with Kyle, Allison, and Robbie at the ocean flooded her memory. She looked down at her plate for a moment before looking back up to see Christine look away from her.

When Hope sat down next to her, she was happy. She was always happy when she talked to Hope. She managed to make an orange shirt, denim jeans, and sneakers look beautiful. The bracelet on her wrist jangled distractedly and Christine looked at it for a moment before looking at her face. Hope was looking at the ocean before her expression turned sour and she looked at the plate, reliving old memories Christine assumed. The freckles on her face looked like constellations in the starry night sky.

A few hours later, after training with the camp, her and Hope started sword fighting. Hope had gotten the hang of her fighting stance and moves and won. Hope and Christine stopped fighting and went by the lake, putting their weapons down. Hope pulled her jeans up and took her shoes and socks off. She put her feet in the water, an old habit she supposed. She always did this when she was around water. With a twinge of pain she remembered her dad. She hadn't seen him in so long. Christine turned to her and Hope suddenly got distracted by her green eyes. The ones that looked so much like the treetops of a forest, you'd assume she was the daughter of Demeter. And her brown hair didn't help. It looked like the boards of a ship. Her dad's ship. Which, again, didn't help that she looked like a daughter of Demeter when she was a daughter of Ares. "I don't actually want to kill people. I just think I have to. Because of my dad. I have to put on this facade with other people, make them think I'm this tough person and...I'm not. My dad must be so disappointed in me..." "Parents are assholes sometimes. And what you were saying about not wanting to fight, I get that"''You do?" "Yeah. My family always had me sword fighting since the moment I was 10. They told me that I had to learn to survive. That people might want to hurt me and I needed to know how to defend myself. I learned how to do magic, how to sword fight, fire a bow, even pick a lock. All because of my family. So yeah..I get it..." Christine smiled at her but their moment was interrupted by Rachel, the camp oracle. She walked over to them and doubled over, her eyes turning greener than they had ever been. She started speaking and green smoke erupted from her mouth. As she spoke, it sounded weird, like three of her were talking at once.

"A legacy from magic,

beware the gods you've not yet faced

A child of war must keep peace

Magic and Wisdom must find a bridge

To save the world from a snake Wisdom has faced"

Rachel promptly collapsed after she spoke the last word and the two girls caught her. They laid her down and Hope put on her socks and sneakers. They each grabbed an arm and dragged her to camp, over to the big house where Chiron was. "Come in," He said as they got to the stairs. They went inside and laid her down on the couch. "What did she tell you?" He asked them. Hope recited the prophecy to him and he looked at her gravely. "Pick two people my child. One from Ares and one from Athena. You were just given a quest"


Sorry the prophecy doesn't quite rhyme. I'm shit at poems and just rhyming in general. 

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