Chapter one: bloody beginings

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Summer, 2020

Gangnam style came on the radio again, the music crackled over the receiver. Someone is broad casting, from somewhere. Which is strange, because the city is in rubble.
It's been that way since their arrival, these creatures that swarm and eat everything in their path. Like zombies, but worse. Zombies are slow and dumb and can't climb trees.

They came out of no where, popping up from the ground like daisies, they devoured people, pets, animals, fish. Anything with meat. The majority of the population was gone within 72 hours, they were every where. And like zombies, they swarm in hordes. In large populated cities.
Camo has seen one with her own two eyes and it ripped through her house with a fury. Going for the pets first, then her family. She only escaped with the clothes on her back, by climbing up onto the roof and waiting for them to leave. Which didn't take long, she lived in the suburbs so they soon found their next victims.
She slipped back into her house through the window, and spent five minutes packing up all she can in her backpack. She then grabbed the keys to her brothers Jeep. She has her permit but it doesn't matter now that society is going down the drain.
A lot of things are going down the drain. Like her future, the future of the human race.

But back to the present, it's the summer. Camo's radio is currently playing Britney Spears as she sharpens the homemade spear she made with a stick and a kitchen knife. She is holed up in some rinky dink diner. The windows are painted over and all the furniture is blocking all the exits.
It's sweltering hot, it is summer and this diner is like a hot box. But she can't open a window or they will hear. She watches the creatures pace outside the diner, some coming, some going. Taunting her.
"This was such a goooood idea." She groaned to herself. Talking to herself gives her some sense of security.
She sweats as she listens to the radio. Someone is alive, somewhere, and whoever it is, has a great taste in music.
She's been listening to this station for weeks, it's her anchor in this sea of bloodshed and hunger. It makes this hot diner feel like home. Not her home, but it was once considered someone's home.
She listens to the guttural screeches and growls the creatures speak in. She guessing they're having a normal conversation, to monster standards.
Like 'hey how's it goin ted?' 'Oh you know, picking up some take out for the wife. It is taking forever though, isn't it?' 'Why yes it is.'
The thought is so bizarre but comforting. It makes her giggle a bit.
Then that joy is ripped from her by the sound off one of the creatures smashing its head against the glass. One thonk, two thonks.
"Come get me you dirty commie." She said, mimicking a movie character as she raised her home made spear.
She held her breath as she readied her weapon. Then with a shattering sound, it rams it's big horns through the glass.
She lets out her breath and steadies her weapon. She's not going down today.

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