Trust Fall Am I Right?|Collector x Persona

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I hope it's okay... The personas name is Kat and they are an old Kingsmold, and I hope you enjoy!!!

If you wish to see what the persona looks like go to Kath's profile and click on their art book of 2020 you will find it there!!! I hope I do alright... Byeee!!!!

Kat's POV

I was watching my surroundings at the moment taking a break.

I was in Kingdoms Edge just looking around my King is gone so I'm left looking and searching and surviving to the best of my ability...

I miss being able to complete orders it left me feeling good and fulfilled until I needed to fulfill another.

It was great then he disappeared taking all the other guards and servants with him and left me behind...

Was I not good enough...?

I'll never know...

I have come to terms with that I was always different.

I have emotions, he didn't like that...

Here I am hugging myself with three out of four arms my fourth carrying my weapon.

I failed to notice the figure watching me waiting and stalking...

Waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

I let out a sigh.

Life is as peaceful as it can get...

I keep passing a black figure with four arms....

I thought he was a guard to but crossed that idea out for his behaviors.

He was an ex guard more likely given a new job or task more likely.

I've seen him catch bugs and keep them in jars....

He was told to preserve and keep species alive...

I'm the only mold other than him I know of...

So I'm a likely target I don't wanna be in a glass jar so....

My task is to protect...

But he's not coming back I'll find new tasks...

I miss my friends....

Well they were more of family to me actually...

I felt a tear slip down my cheek I put a hand up to wipe it away.


From behind someone beat me to it and took my hand in their own.

My eyes go wide and I prepare myself for a fight.

"Something so beautiful and unique must be kept safe..." I frown and pull my hand away.

"No thank you I don't want to be in an glass jar..." He frowns and steps closer.

"You will be safe and happy... I'll help you change your mind!" He slash's his hand/claw forward I jump back and fall.

"AHHHHH!!!!" I scream I'm not the best with this and I know there is an pool of acid down there....

I'm going to die!!!!

But I don't want to!!!!

I-I wanna live...!!!!

The last thing I saw before my vision went black was that figure jumping after me.

I wake up with a jolt of pain in my back and a headache.

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