Affection|Tiso x God Tamer

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Requested by:
Mah Brain

I AM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT!!! I feel so bad for just not updating for so long!!! I love you all so much for waiting so hugs for you all! This is probably the start of me slowly updating more. So yeah!

Yeah I just like this ship soooo... I'm making a one shot for it! I hope you all enjoy!

Btw Tiso is gunna be a bit nicer than in the game.
God Tamer is kinda rude I guess. She gets nicer though!

٩( ᐛ )( ᐖ )۶

Tiso's POV

This was it, The Colosseum Of Fools, it took way to long to find it.

The hanging bug at the entrance told me I should rest in this pit.

It was a good suggestion.

The bugs down here are definitely annoying.

The calling I told that empty bug, it wasn't for a fight...

But for something else?

I have no clue for what but I thought it would be The Colosseum, or perhaps the Kingdom itself...

But my family would be proud if I were to win and bring the mark home.

I will be doing the first trial soon.

I've placed my mark, all I need to do is wait.

Wait... Why is everyone so silent?

I opened my eyes and saw a bug starring at me?!

The bug had and greyish white head with a crack going down the shell, their mouth had green tentacles coming out, they had six eyes or maybe eight?

The bugs body had a dark green or blue top shell and their belly was a lighter green.

They seemed upset, everyone didn't look at the beast except me.

I tilt my head and it copied my movement.

I put my right hand up to touch it's unharmed half.

"Uh, hi there?" I say setting my hand down on the beasts head next to it's middle right eye.

It seemed to enjoy the contact, while it leaned into my hand I looked at it's crack.

Seems old and clean to, so I shouldn't worry about it.

I take my hand away and set it onto the bench.

One of the red and light brown armoured bugs looks at me.

I return the stare not looking at the beast.

"Can I help you?" I question, I feel like being a little nicer than I normally would.

"The Beast hasn't let someone other than The Champion touch it." They replied.

"Oh, okay?" I turn my head back and The Beast was gone.

I guess I can continue to think about why I'm here...

The bugs soon went back to chatting and making odd groans.

I get it you may be nervous and possible pain, but do you really need to make the sounds?

Maybe I could go outside and rest?

I could ask the bug at the entrance to yell for me once my round starts?

Would be a lot better than staying here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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