Origins Part: 2

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The goddess was the most intelligent of the group and that was a fact. She was always the one who made most of the plans and who verified if it was a good idea or a bad idea. But now she didn't know what to do and she hated that stupid feeling.

They needed to choose a champion, but so many bad things could happen when the new team they were forming will meet. They had to choose wisely and knowing the boys, (*cough* Space *cough*), they'll most likely choose someone they love or admire.

For Mind it was longs minutes of reflection that made her wait before going to the chosen universe. She thought about wise persons, but she wanted someone to represent her how she really is and that my friends, only one person could achieve it.

She walked across the castle searching for the common room of the Gryffindors. It's sure in this castle, if she had to choose a lot of champions, she would have opted for the Ravenclaws, but she had a better choice and that choice was in the Gryffindor house.

Mind stopped when she saw the painting she was looking for. She made herself younger and she put some Gryffindor clothes on. The fat lady in the painting widened her eyes, but Mind shushed her with a silent spell and the goddess smiled. She opened the door and entered the room.

There she was, her champion. She was in company of her two friends looking at some books. The goddess smiled at how beautiful the young woman had grown over the years. She started watching over her when she was merely four years old and she always found a way to find an answer to the questions.

It was sure Mind liked anybody who was worthy of wielding her powers. She had grown attached to Vision, Pietro, Wanda and even Loki. So when Ultron killed the male twin, she had gotten in a terrible anger that she destroyed the robot by putting a lot of her power in Vision.

Eventually when Vision and Loki were killed by that infamous titan, she almost destroyed the palace in rage. She wish she could have finished him and that she was the one going for his head.

She waved those murderous thoughts away and she quietly approached the girl.

"Uh, hi, Hermione. Could I talk to you in private?" Mind asked poking slowly her shoulder.

"And who might you be? I never saw you around?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah I'm invisible, so nobody notice me, but that doesn't matter. I'm Melissa by the way." Mind said trying to look normal.

"And what do you wanted to talk about?" Harry Potter said.

"It's private, only Hermione can know." Mind answered the boy.

"Everything she has to know, we need to know too. Sorry but we just came out of a big war and that taught us to don't trust people easily." Ron said.

Mind mentally rolled her eyes but kept a smile on her face. She nodded and sat on the couch snapping her fingers.

Suddenly the three kids and the goddess were outside Hogwarts, on the grass. The teens took their wands out in surprise as they looked at Mind.

"What did you do Melissa?" Hermione asked.

"I just transported us somewhere more private you see." Mind answered looking at her nails. "Anyway I wanted to talk to you cause the universes are in danger."

"Oh come on give us a break." Ron sighed in despair.

"And why did you want to talk only to Hermione about this? And how can we believe you when you are younger than us?" Harry asked curious.

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