Chapter One

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"Come on, Inko! Just a few more miles!" A young Mitsuki called out to her green haired friend, who was trailing behind her by more than a few feet. The young woman in question, Inko Akatani, huffed and heaved behind her blonde friend.

"Mistsuki ...don't think I can keep..." She huffed, stopping and putting her hands on her knees to try and catch her breath. It was more than obvious that she was having trouble keeping up with her energetic friend.

Rolling her eyes, the blonde walked back towards her friend. "Come on, Inko. I thought you wanted to try and get in shape? This is no more different than what they used to make us run in high school." She pointed out, putting her hands on her hips.
"High school was a couple of years ago...and I couldn't keep up then either..." She replied, still trying to catch her breath. "You go on ahead, Suki. I just need to sit down for a bit. I'll meet you back at the apartment."

"Alright, alright." Suki replied with a shake of her head. "But you're missing out. Lots of cute guys in the park that we're going through." She smirked. However, she could clearly see that her friend was done for the day. "Drink some water, sit down, I'll see you later." She demanded before taking off.
Inko nodded and gave her weak wave before pulling out her water bottle and taking a seat on a nearby bench. She downed more than half of her water bottle before pouring some on her extremely flushed face. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back against the backrest of the bench, still catching her breath. The sun shone down on her face, not really helping with how hot her face felt at the moment.

Mitsuki and Inko Akatani had become close friends in high school and were now roommates. The two currently worked at a small coffee shop, and Mitsuki took classes at a nearby college. Inko wasn't really sure what she wanted to do as a job, so she worked happily in the coffee shop. Maybe she could open her own someday. However, that wasn't exactly on her mind at the moment. In fact, all she could think about was how to get her heart to stop pounding in her ears and her lungs and cheeks to stop burning.
Suddenly she felt a shadow cover the sun on her face, and she furrowed her brows for a moment before opening her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she saw a pair of the bluest eyes she'd ever seen staring back at her.

"Hello." Said a voice and Inko nearly jumped out of her skin, moving to get a proper look at the person who had been hovering over her. She looked up and her eyes fell on a blond with a strong build, compared to her he was incredibly tall. He had a kind smile on his face as he held his hands up in defense.

"Apologies!" Said the man quickly, not meaning to scare the young woman. "I was just passing by and I saw you sitting here. You looked quite uncomfortable and out of breath so I thought I would check on you. Are you alright?"

Inko seemed a bit dumbfounded. He was a complete stranger, yet he stopped to check up on her. It was kind of sweet actually. It took her a moment to find the words to respond. "I uhm...yeah...yeah I'm fine." She said, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. "I-I was just on a run and I guess I pushed myself too hard." She explained sheepishly. "Thank you though...for checking on me that is...that was very nice of you."

"Ah that is good to hear. I was prepared to carry you to the hospital if needed." He said with a smile of his own. Inko couldn't help but think he had a nice smile. "No need to thank me! I just didn't want you passing out in the middle of a park. That doesn't exactly seem very safe. Anyway...I am glad you are alright...uhm..."

"Inko..." She responded, smiling a little at him. "My name is Inko Akatani. You are...?"

"Yagi Toshinori!" He greeted, stepping towards her with his hand out. "It's nice to meet you, Inko."

"It's nice to meet you as well, Yagi." Inko said, taking his hand and shaking it. He looked like he was about to say something else before someone called his name.

"Yagi!!!" Came a woman's voice and the blond stood up straight and looked in the direction of the voice.
"Over here, Nana!" He replied before flashing a smile at Inko. "Sorry. I have to leave. It was nice meeting you, Inko." He said before heading off and joining an older looking woman. He apologized to her and the older woman looked in Inko's direction and smirked.

"She's cute, Yagi. Did you get her number?" The woman asked as she walked away with the blonde. Inko didn't hear what came next but she blushed anyway at the comment before standing and taking a few deep breaths. Looking at the time she decided to get home and shower before she had to get to work.
Work was rather uneventful, at least not as eventful as her morning in the park. But she did her job with a smile on her face as always. She relayed the story of the tall man she'd met in the park to Mitsuki, who of course asked if she had managed to grab his number. Which of course Inko hadn't, something she was kind of regretting at the moment. He really had a nice smile.

It was now empty in the coffee shop and Inko was cleaning up around her work station when she heard the bell to the door chime. She quickly turned around with a smile on her face. "Hello and welcome to...." She stopped midsentence when she saw who walked in, the tall blond from the park. Yagi...that was what he said his name was.

"Hey there!" He said happily as he approached the counter, looking at the flustered green-haired girl. "Sorry...I know it's a little weird for me to suddenly show up where you work but I found this..." He pulled out a wallet that looked a lot like Inko's. She had thought that she just misplaced it at home.

"Oh my! Thank you! I didn't even realize it was missing." She said, taking the wallet from him and going to stick it in her purse. "Looks like you're just saving me all over the place today." She teased, smiling at him. It was like the two of them seemed to forget that Mitsuki was standing off to the side, a smirk on her lips as she watched her best friend with a man she so obviously found attractive.

Yagi could do nothing but smile back. While he had honestly found the wallet and wanted to return it to her, he was pretty happy that he got to see her again. Nana was right, she was pretty cute, and he hadn't been able to stop thinking about her since he met her in the park. "Well, it's my pleasure." He replied.
"Well here, let me buy you a cup of coffee as a thanks." She offered, "Anything you want, really I don't mind."

"Oh that's really not necessar-"He started before he was interrupted.

"Of for God's sake Inko, just ask him to dinner." Mitsuki commented from the side, still watching the two of them.

"Suki..." Inko glared at her friend, her cheeks flushing bright red.

"Actually..." Yagi started, getting Inko's attention once again. "That sounds like a great idea. Would you like to have dinner with me, Inko?"

Her eyes went a bit wide and she seemed to blush even more at the question. Honestly, she had been pretty sure that he was just being a nice person. Soon enough she snapped out of her shock and nodded with a smile. "I'd love that. I uhm...I get off at six. I could meet you outside?"

"Sounds great." He replied, "I'll see you then." He seemed to only have eyes for her, so it sort of shocked him when Mitsuki spoke up again.
"Aww how cute." She said sarcastically, "Now stop distracting her, we've got work to do." She switched to a more annoyed tone and glared at the other blond.

"Uhm...sorry." He sort of sputtered before smiling one last time at Inko and heading to the door. When he was gone Inko turned and looked at her friend who was now smirking proudly.

"Did you have to be so mean to him?" She asked, crossing he arms over her chest.

"Well I got him to ask you out, didn't I?" She asked before continuing to clean up the counters.

"Well maybe, but you didn't have to pressure him into it. What if he didn't want to go out?" She asked.
"Inko, the guy couldn't keep his eyes off of you. Trust me he wanted to go out and probably do a lot more than just that." She added with a wink, which made Inko roll her eyes.

"Don't be gross." She sighed, returning to her own cleaning. It had been awhile since she'd been on a date, so she was a little nervous about the whole idea. But Yagi seemed incredibly sweet, so it would probably be fine. At least she hoped so.

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