Chapter Two

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As six o'clock rolled around, Inko grew increasingly nervous. After all, she actually had not been on a date since high school, which was a couple of years ago. Mitsuki, a true friend, kept insisting it would be fine and that he already liked her and all that stuff that a best friend is supposed to say. None of it stopped the green-haired girl from getting nervous. When it was finally six, Inko said goodbye to her friend with a promise to return home later as she left the little coffee house. As she stepped outside she looked around and it wasn't long until she spotted the tall blonde walking down the sidewalk in her direction.

As Yagi spotted Inko walking out the door he smiled and picked up his pace to head over to her. "Looks like I'm right on time." He said, looking down at the much shorter woman. Compared to Yagi, Inko was pretty tiny, though to be fair he was pretty tall. Still, he enjoyed how short she was, it only made he cuter.

"Looks like you are." She responded kind of awkwardly, but still with a smile on her face as she looked up at him. She'd never been that great at talking to guys, in high school she was so shy. Mitsuki had helped her gain a little confidence, but she still had a hard time. "So...where are we going for dinner? And don't worry about paying for it. It's the least I can do after you returned my wallet to me and checked on me in the park."

"Well I am the one who asked you out, so really I should be paying for it." Yagi replied without hesitation. "You can get it next time, how about that?" It only took him a second before he realized that he insinuated that there would indeed be a next time. "I-I mean...If you want there to be a next time." He added, not wanting to sound like he was assuming anything. For all he knew, this could be a horrible date for her.

However, at all that Inko simply smiled. She was glad to see that she wasn't the only one who was completely nervous. "Okay...I'll get it next time." She replied, smiling up at him. "But that means that you pick where we go this time since you're paying." Of course she didn't want to accidently pick anywhere too pricey for him. So she was perfectly fine letting him decide where they ate. However, Yagi became a little frustrated by this as he wanted to take her somewhere that she liked rather than somewhere he picked. He decided to relent and agree to the compromise.

"Hmm, sure. How about we just walk a bit and then decide where we want to eat." He suggested, slyly slipping his hand into hers, mostly so they could walk together but also because he just really wanted to hold her hand. Inko felt his hand take hers, and honestly it was pretty smooth, so she didn't mind it. Besides his hand felt kind of warm and this feeling of safety and security sort of washed over her.

"Sure." She said, looking up at him with a sheepish smile, he fingers intertwining with his to show that she accepted him taking her hand like that. "That sounds nice actually, and besides we'll work up more of an appetite if we walk." So with that the two walked hand in hand, talking about themselves. When Yagi asked about her Quirk, Inko was shy about it but she showed him that she could pull small objects towards her, demonstrating with a pen that she had in her hair from work. She also talked about how she and Mitsuki had been part of the Hero Course as UA for a time, but both of them dropped out. Though Inko did not really explain why she dropped out, and Yagi was reluctant to press her for information, but mostly because this date was going really well.

However, when it came time for Inko to start asking Yagi questions he sort of shied away from giving straight forward answers. Of course she wouldn't recognize him as a pro-hero, he wasn't in that form. Besides, he hadn't really climbed the hero ranks quite yet, so she probably wouldn't know who All Might was anyway. When she asked if he had a Quirk he said he did, but didn't tell her the name of his Quirk. All she would say was that he was super strong and super fast. There was more to his Quirk than that, but of course he couldn't tell her all that. Inko didn't seem to mind, after all it was not really her place to pry into his personal life. If he didn't want to share some things at the moment he didn't have to.

Eventually the couple found a nice little Ramen place and decided to eat there. They continued their conversation over dinner and were genuinely enjoying each other's company. After they ate they walked some more and talked before the two realized it was getting rather late and they should head home. Yagi, being ever the gentleman, insisted on walking Inko all the way back to her apartment, but Inko didn't mind because meant they got to talk more, and she was thoroughly enjoying this date. When they made it back to her small apartment that she shared with Mitsuki. They stopped in front of her door and Inko reluctantly let go of Yagi's hand to turn to face him.

"Well, this is me." She said, it was quite obvious that she was not quite ready to go home yet, but it was getting pretty late. Still she smiled up at the blonde. "I had a really good time tonight, Yagi." She told him, still smiling.

"I did too, Inko." He replied, smiling back down at her. The two had been smiling most of the night. "So do you still want there to be a next time?" He asked curiously, his eyes meeting hers. There was just something about her that drew him in, she was just so sweet and kind. In answer to his question, Inko nodded.

"Yes, very much so..." She said softly, thinking of leaning up and kissing him, but felt that was maybe too forward for a first date. Yagi had the same thought, to kiss her, and worried that it might be too forward. "Well..." Inko said awkwardly, "Uhm...give me a call...and we can wok something out."

Yagi nodded and smiled again, thinking how cute she was. "Yeah, I'll do that." He said.

"Goodnight..." Inko said softly, reaching for the door knob, and before he could say anything she quickly leaned up and pecked his cheek softly. Her own cheeks turned bright red and she quickly hurried inside her apartment, heart pounding.

Yagi was left in quite a state of shock, but quickly got over it and touched his hand to his cheek with a smile. "Goodnight, Inko." He said softly, smiling as he turned away from the door and headed home, a huge smile on his face.

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