You, Me, And a Dream

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"I'm sorry but why do we need to keep this son of bitch ,who tried to killed us, in this house? Like, in all honestly I have to keep it real with you man- this ain't even our house, this is someone's shed! We are literally in a middle-aged woman's shed, holding a man hostage!" I exclaimed to John Doe.

John Doe and I have been arguing since we arrived at Molly's home. She allowed us to stay here for the night to sleep, and she's giving us an old Chevy that she was planning on selling. Molly doesn't seem to mind that there are two strangers that are potentially dangerous, and she technically witness a lot more than she probably ever did- in what I can assume- her wholesome, innocent life. Then again John Doe was a scary mother fucker. As time went on he seemed to be less expressive and more- cold.

"Gosh, you don't listen. I need to keep him alive, so he can at least give us some answers besides he said something to me in a language and I started getting hazy in my mind. He obviously has ties to who is trying to take us out. I want answers don't you Princess?" He asks while kicking the assassin in the side.

The guy fluttered his eyes open, his eyes were dropping clearly from the blood loss. Although Molly did tie something on the spot where he was injured to stop bleeding but the guy was still pretty strong standing. John found the hitman's collection of weapons and stuff in the room he was hiding in at the motel. So of course he's gonna use one of the knives to his advantage.

"Wake up!" John Barked while ripping the tape off the guys mouth.

I shook at his harsh tone.

"I will not say anything." The man responded with a blank stare.

"Well that seems a tad unfair don't you think? Considering you tried to kill the both of us." John said while circling the heavily accented man with a predatory like nature.

I know this is bad to say but- it was making me feel all types of butterflies and clenching within when I saw the way his arms and pectorals flexed while he crossed his arms to stand behind the man.

"You might as well tell us who sent you, or better yet why are you trying to kill us?" John asked while staring at the man before quickly glancing at me.

The man remained silent. John shrugged his shoulders and with a swift movement wrapped this cord around the mans throat. The mans pale olive complexion was slowly getting red then to white. I so badly wanted to say something, do something , but I needed answers and once again this constant need for me to protect and feel empathy was starting to annoy me.

John released the cord around the guys neck. "Are you going to talk now? Hmm... maybe if I tell you this it would change your mind." John said while walking in front of the man and pulling out a cell phone.

The mans eyes seemed to remain blank but his sudden shift in his body language sparked my interest even more.

"You can't even access anything in the phone. No need to bribe, won't work." The hitman said smugly.

John punches the guy in the face so hard that I heard a crack. I flinched and turned my head away.

"Ne-ai trădat!" The man spits out at John as he gives him a rage filled look.

John Doe freezes mid air his fisted hand falling as he begins to stare of into the distance. I walk to him and rest and arm of his shoulder.

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