I Heard That Pictures Don't Change, Just the People Inside of Them Do

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Ri had been texting with Wilbur for the past week, talking about everything from pop culture to politics to the music they liked. On Saturday, they decided to hang out.

"This is literally my favorite place in the entire world," Ri said, walking into Pabukon Books- a tiny bookstore and cafe with wall-to-wall bookshelves covered in everything from leather-bound classics to children's picture books. "I come here so often that the owners call me 'budak manis', sweet child in Sudanese, and I've read practically every book on these shelves." The building was barely large enough to hold three round tables, a service counter, and a small, well-worn but comfortable couch, with every other available surface concealed by books.

"Ri! Haturan, welcome back! And who's this you've brought with you?" A little old woman came out from the kitchen immediately enveloping Ri into a hug.

"Hi, Roaa. This is my friend, Wilbur. Wilbur, this is Roaa Ibrahim. She owns Pabukon with her husband, Kariem."

"Hello, Mrs. Ibrahim. It's lovely to meet you." He said, reaching out to shake her hand.

"Please, call me Roaa." She ignored his hand completely and pulled him into a hug as well.

"Kariem not here today?" Ri asked.

"No, he's at the doctor. Something's up with his hip again." She shook her head as she headed back behind the counter. "What can I get you, barudak?"

"I'll just have a cup of coffee, please."


As Will and Ri sat talking and drinking their coffee, he asked, "So how do you know the owners?"

"I really don't, to be quite honest. They're just super sweet and talkative, and since I come here a lot they've become almost like my surrogate grandparents."

"You don't talk about your family much. Why is that?"

"Oh..." Ri shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "I didn't exactly have the best upbringing, that's all."

"Oh." There was a brief, uncomfortable silence. "So! I've been wondering this since I met you," Ri felt her heartbeat speed up. This man was cute but she was absolutely not going to be in a relationship with him, way too many bad experiences in the past. "What exactly is a liberal arts degree?"

Oh god. A silent sigh of relief from Ri. "Um, well. Good question. Still wondering that myself. Technically, it's the study of history, literature, psychology, philosophy, and creative arts, but it's also supposed to teach you how to like, communicate effectively. Clearly didn't work," She laughed. "Anyway, what do—"

Ri was cut off by the door to Pabukon opening, something that was slightly out of the norm for a tiny place like this.

"Oh my gosh, Sariah! This such a crazy coincidence!" A twangy New Zealand accent. Overly peppy to the point of being fake. Oh my god. "You have literally changed like, so much!"

Ri's shoulders tightened as she turned to face the girl. She was pretty tall, about 5'9" with brown hair, hazel eyes, and a crooked nose. "Beth. What are you doing in California?" Ri tried to force herself to smile at the girl but it came out as more of a grimace.

"I'm here on vacation with my friend Georgia, you don't know her. She moved to Hastings after you left." Ri finally took notice of the girl standing next to Beth. She was pretty, red hair and freckles with dark brown eyes. She gave Ri a tight smile and a small wave. "Listen, Ri. I know that kind of like, sucked in high school, but I've changed now! I've grown up a lot, and I want to say sorry for how I treated you."

She seemed sincere on the surface, but Ri knew her too well. Beth had pulled this way too many times, pretending she'd changed only to worm her way into someone's good graces and then stab them right in the back.

On the other hand, maybe Ri was just a paranoid, untrusting, piece of shit. Who's to say?

"Good to know, Beth. I don't really want your apology, though. Maybe Hailey does though? Remember her?"

"Ri, you've got every right to be pissed at me. I don't blame you. And for the record, I've made my peace with Hailey already, we're actually friends now. Not that you'd know."

"And just what is that supposed to mean?"

Wilbur, who had been sitting there silently watching the exchange and trying to read the situation finally decided to chime in. "Ri, what's happening? Who's she and who's Hailey and what's happening?"

"Hailey was my best friend. Beth, Hailey, and I went to high school together for about a year before I moved to the place. During that year, Beth nearly murdered Hailey."

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