Chapter Four

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There was so much to do and so little time to do it, I shouldn't have let him kiss me, I could've stopped it but I didn't. Why? Maybe because it was the first time that I wanted to be kissed, maybe throughout these weeks I've actually grown more fond of Ben than I cared to admit? Or maybe it was because I had been starved of physical touch for so long that I was desperate for it. I didn't have time to pinpoint the reason, I needed to be focused on the Nikto order and not mess anything up or not let my guard down.

R8 was already at the Vaporator, doing his thing, preparing for the harvest by the time I had gotten there. R8 beeped at me, letting me know that I was late.

"Yeah I know, I know, is everything ready?" I asked. R8 confirmed and relaxed, I tried to relax myself by taking a few deep breaths but flashes from earlier this morning plagued my mind no matter how many times I would shake it out, it always found its way back. Focus Beyk... it clearly didn't mean anything to him - he was having a nightmare, it didn't mean anything. R8 squealed the worry beeps, snapping me out of my head and adjusted my eyes to see Banthas moving towards us with several Niktos accompanying them.

"I'm surprised your bodyguard isn't here," Kazukai sneered. My eyes narrowed, my lips pushed into a defiant pout.

"I've worked with you and your boss long enough, I don't need a bodyguard," I snapped. "Just take the water and leave, I've got work to do." Kazukai turned to the rest of his pack and spoke in his native language, commanding everyone to start the transfer process.

A red skinned Nikto sat on top of a bantha and moved it closer to the vaporator while another green skinned Nikto handed me the transfer tube to which I connected it to the vaporator and let R8 communicate to the vaporator so it would transfer the water into their container.

"Oh and Rinnrivin wanted me to let you know that we'll only be paying half this season," Kazukai announced coolly. He was trying to smuggle me, a trick Kazukai had been doing for years in order to put more money into his own pocket.

"Then you only get half the water," I responded without missing a beat. The surrounding Niktos made some low noises of debate because they knew what was going to happen next.

"If you only give us half the water, Rinnrivin will come back to get even more water and won't pay you for it."

"I wonder what the great Rinnrivin will do when I tell him that I have proof they're you're short selling me in order to keep his money?" Kazukai lost his calm composure, and narrowed his black eyes.

"What proof?" he barked, marching closer to me.

"Don't think I haven't seen you in Mos Eisley betting a little more than what you have on Pod racing," I answered in a low voice. Kazukai stared at me for a long time without blinking, my breathing had stopped.

"Or I could just kill you and take all your water. There are plenty of moisture farms out here, you aren't anything special," he hissed.

"Everything okay out here?" Ben's voice came from behind me.

"Yeah, Kazukai here is telling me that we did such a good job that Rinnrivin is going to pay us double."

"I think that's a great idea, since we went through all the trouble of making sure it was ready when you needed it," Ben responded lightly, going along with me. Kazuki snarled and paid us what was originally agreed and went back to his group. Unplugging the hose from the vaporator, I handed it to a red skinned Nikto and watched them leave.

"Better late than never," I breathed dryly at Ben without turning to look at him, I didn't have the courage to look at him.

"Sorry, Beykha I want to explain I -" Finally I turned to him in order to shut him down. I waved my hands and shook my head.

"No, there's no need to explain. You were having a nightmare, I woke you up and you were feeling in a vulnerable place and for some reason, you kissed me but it's fine. I know you didn't mean anything by it and my feelings aren't hurt so let's just drop it." I moved my blonde hair out of my face and behind my ear. Ben stood there looking at me like he was trying to figure out what was going on in my head, which thankfully he couldn't because he would know that I was very confused by all of it.

"I would still like to talk about it - if that's alright." There are many ways this could go but for the first time since I've known him, Ben wanted to talk so I nodded.

"Let's go inside and talk about it."

Ben and I sat down at the table across from one another. My back sat relaxed my chair but my face tense with worry, I wanted to cling onto every word he said so that he felt like I was truly listening to him. Ben's dark eyes stared at me, unsure of my feelings or thoughts or where to begin but he opened his mouth and started.

"I've told you that I don't have anyone, everyone I care about is dead," he started and I nodded, thinking back to that conversation and how that included his girlfriend.

"When I first came here, I had just come from a battle against the First Order, which is why I was injured when we met. I was a pilot and someone that mattered to me was with another group, she got hurt and I tried everything to get her back but nothing worked and eventually I had to give up. I had already lost my mother and father because of this war and losing her was it. My nightmare was just a memory of reliving all of their deaths again and I was left alone in the dark until you brought me out of it. That kiss was a moment of weakness, of gratitude but I wasn't thinking about your feelings so for that I am sorry," Ben explained.

I could feel the sadness radiating off of him but there wasn't any physical sign of sadness, it was just something that I could feel.

"I understand Ben, it's okay. For months after my parents died, I would have nightmares of them dying over and over again and every night I would wake up screaming for them but no one was there for me and damn do I wish someone was there for me."

Ben's face relaxed and he looked relieved that I understood. I rose to my feet and glanced outside to see that more people were coming to buy water. Before leaving, I placed a hand on Ben's shoulder.

"If you have nightmares again, I'm here for you - just no more kissing," I jabbed trying to lighten the mood, Ben flashed a grin before leaving his seat to follow me up.


My legs marched to the spaceport where the Millennium Falcon resided with Chewie working on it by himself. I knew Poe couldn't leave right now and find Ren but Chewbacca could and he'd be willing to help me. Stopping close enough so that he could hear and see me I called out his name until he saw me and paid attention.

"I need your help. I want to find Ren and bring him to justice for Rey, Leia and Han but no one knows him like you do," I proposed. Chewie looked away from me and glanced up towards the ceiling, like it he wasn't sure. "Please Chewie," I begged. Chewbacca roared with agreement and a smile played on my lips. "You knew Ren, where would he go to hide?" I asked. Chewie thought about it for a moment before responding. "Corellia?"

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