-ˏˋ chapter ten

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felix opened his heavy eyes and took in his surroundings.

"i'm still here."

felix felt a sharp pain in his ribs and yelled out in pain.

he looked down to see that his shirt was ripped off. his was body was covered in black and purple bruises and he had a few stab wounds.

"lord, please kill me now." felix started to cry. "there's no hope for me anymore. please, end my suffering."

"stop self loathing because i'm here to bust you out."

felix looked to the door and started to cry yet again when he saw chan and an unfamiliar man stood in the door way.

"i'm hallucinating. you can't really be there." felix cried harder. "you're not real."

"i'm the real chris, lix." chan made his way to felix and crouched down. "i'm so sorry for everything, felix. it's all my fault that you're in pain."

chan cupped felix's face and kissed his tears. "i'm sorry i took such a long time to find you. i'm going to kill changbin for hurting you."

chan tried to help felix up but stopped when felix started to scream in agony.

"i'm so sorry!" chan said quickly. "sanghoon, come and help me."

sanghoon rushed over and carefully lifted felix up.

"i-i think my ribs are broken," felix murmured. "that changbin guy broke my ribs."

"we're going to have to take you to hospital," sanghoon said.

"i don't think so."

chan and sanghoon turned to the door, faces darkening when the saw changbin stood there.

"i'm so glad you finally made it to the party, chan. now you can witness felix's death. i hope you have your popcorn ready."

chan's heart raced in his chest. "what do you mean?"

changbin smirked. "what i mean bangchan is that you're going to watch your precious boyfriend die." changbin pulled his gun out of his back pocket. "i've been waiting so so long to do this."

"don't do this, changbin." chan tried to keep his voice steady and his anger at bay. "felix has nothing to do with anything. this fight is between me and you."

"i'm going to end the fight by ending felix's life."

changbin aimed the gun at felix's head.

"chan." felix whimpered. "please don't let him kill me."

chan got his own gun out and aimed it at changbin.

"if you pull the trigger, chan. i'll pull mine and you killing me would've just been pointless because i would have already killed felix."

felix started to shake in sanghoon's arms which made the older man look down at him.

felix was pale. not because he was scared. he was pale because he was losing a lot of blood and he was in an emense amount of pain as his ribs may be broken.

"say goodbye to your precious lix, chan." changbin grinned. "because his days of life are coming to an abrupt end."


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