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You groaned and turned over, clicking off the alarm to your job at U.A

You got dressed in your hero uniform

"Letsa go!" You ran out the door, using your quirk

You have a quirk that is similar to superman, but different, it's 2 times weaker

You landed at the gates of U.A

"Hey, Shota-Kun" you walked up to your old time friend

"Hello Y/N-chan" he said as he looked at you with a small smile.

He had to admit, you were his best friend and he couldn't live without you. So was Hizashi


I wasn't feeling too well that day, I woke up really pale and the whites of my eyes were slightly pink.

Stupid Flu I thought

I coughed

"Are you okay, Shota-Kun?" She put her hand on my head

"Yeah, Just feeling a bit under the weather, that's all" I coughed again, I looked at my hand and there was blood

"Uh, Y/N-Chan?" I held out my hand "I coughed up blood"

Her eyes widened and she grabbed my wrist

"Shit" she cursed "Probably hurt yourself"


I stared at the blood on his hand

My H/C hair was getting into my face so I brushed it back

2nd Person POV

You walked into the classroom and was greeted by coughing students

'Must Be the flu' you rolled your eyes

The day ended and you went home

Apocalypse (Shigaraki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now