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You walked into an abandoned warehouse

"This should be good" you saw a small pile of crates full of fresh food "This should last us about... hmmmm, 2 weeks"

"T-Two weeks?" Shigaraki swallowed,

"Yeah, we need rations" you replied, tapping your foot in thought

"We need to raid" Kurogiri's remark snapped you out of thought

"You're right" Shigaraki zoomed out the door "Let's go!"

You both ran after him

"WAIT! WE NEED WEAPONS" Shigaraki stopped in realization

"You're right, what are we gonna do?" Shigaraki looked around when he said that, he ran over to a rock and pulled a long, heavyweight rusted pipe out of the ground with 4 fingers

"Huh" he swung it around

"Does it w-" a zombie came out of nowhere before you could finish your sentence

"Let's see" he swung hard and hit the zombie across the head, blood and brain matter sprayed all over him and the area around "Hell Yeah!" He yelled, smiling like a cheshire cat

"Woah dude, creepy smile" you laughed, fixing your baseball cap

"Thanks, all in a day's work of being a v-" you raised your eyebrow "Vest Dealer, yeah"

"Okay then?" You looked at him, wondering what he is hiding

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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