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He turned around and what you saw was...

His mouth was bleeding tremendously, so were his eyes. The whites of them were pinkish red and his arm was bleeding and missing. His eye color was gray

He groaned and limped towards you, his ankle was twisted, he opened his mouth only to reveal bloody teeth


You looked up and saw a hole in his head, he fell as the thick crimson substance poared from his forehead

You looked back up and saw a purple and black mist holding a gun

"WHAT IS GOING ON??" You ran up to him

"Zombie" He mumbled "I'm Kurogiri"

"Y-You are a warp gate" You started to walk towards him

"I'm not going to hurt you" He groaned "Come with me" He grabbed your hand

"Uhm, Alright" you shrugged

"Wait- is that-?" He stopped to look at a baby blue haired man, he was running from a pack of zombies

"TOMURA!" He yelled

The man ran towards us and Kurogiri

"KUROGIRI! I WOKE UP IN AN APARTMENT A-AND THERE W-WERE THESE T-THINGS" He hid behind the mist man while he shot the 7 creatures

"Zombies" You muttered to him

"Wait- we're in an apocalypse?" His face turned paler than it already was,

"Yes" Kurogiri replied "This is Shigaraki"

"Hello" you waved

"What's your name?" He asked

"F/N, F/N L/N" You smiled, putting your hand on his back

Shigaraki POV

She makes me feel... safe and warm. What's wrong with me? Maybe I'm coming down with the virus. I Don't feel like dying

"You okay, Tomura-san?" I looked up at Kurogiri who looked concerned

"Yeah, I'm Alright" I lied, so many thoughts were flowing into my broken mind that It was making me sick

"Everyone Check for bite marks" Kurogiri warned

We checked and no one was injured

"Thank God" She muttered

"We need weapons" I picked a pistol off the ground and cocked it, bullets were In it

"I have a quirk" she shot lasers out of her eyes and levitated

"You remind me of superman" I muttered

"It is 2 times weaker than his" she shit me that beautiful smile and I could feel my face burn

Kurogiri POV

I looked over at master

"Tomura-san?" I questioned "You okay?"

"I told you, I'm okay" he seemed calmer than he usually was

2nd POV

You stared at him

"Let's find shelter" you said as you heard thundering

"Yeah, Let's go"

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