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Dear Keane,

I miss you, you know? Yes, even though we're together every day. Still, I keep on missing you. And I hate it. Uhm, we held hands. Keith and I, we did. He's my ex-crush, okay? So, you don't have anything to worry about. I mean, he was just a crush.

Just a crush, and you're so much more than a crush.

Oh fuck. Yes, I know I'm so fucked right now. I mean, having a crush on you wasn't a big deal. But, developing this fucking crush thingy into something more like love? Oh boy, now I'm fucking screwed. Thank you, 3G's for the song crush. Note the sarcasm.

"It's more than just a crush, and everytime we touch, coz baby you know you make this feel brand new, like there's been no one else but you."


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