Chapter 8 - Forget You

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It's been three days since I last spoke to Tia. I really need to fix things between us before she finds someone else and forgets about me, which is the last thing I want to happen. Stephanie messed everything up between us because she was jealous that I gave Tia everything I didn't give to her. She's probably going to get home one day after a really bad day and find Ryan fucking another girl, but that's none of my business. I couldn't care less about her, the only thing on my mind is fixing things with Tia. I don't want her to think of me as some man whore, just because I made one sex tape when I was totally WASTED. She needs to know that I'm not using her just because of her body, and that I don't like anything else except for her looks. I fell for her smile, her laugh, her sense of humour, everything. I couldn't bare it if I lost her, or maybe I don't even need her if she's just going to walk away from me like that.

What? Did you just say you don't need the girl who makes you smile everyday? Who comforts you when you cry? Pfft, cry me a river.

I'm going to move on, because if she really loved me, she wouldn't leave me for anyone. I've been staying at my aunts since I met Tia, as my parents were out of the country. They should be flying in today, so I send my mom a text before having a shower.

"Hey mom,
Hope you and dad enjoyed your business trip. You'd better have gotten me a souvenir from Toronto or I'll make you go back there! I'm just taking a quick shower, I'll be at the airport in half an hour.
Lots of love,
Your teddybear :) xo "
Message successfully sent.

I leave my phone on my dressing table in my room and run to the bathroom. I turn on the scorching hot water and wince when the water hits my skin. I mix it with some cold water and it feels better. All I can think about is if I'm doing the right thing.

Are you? Are you really?

Yes. I am. I don't need her, she can go screw the next guy who she sees for all I care. I realise I've been in the shower for twenty minutes and panic. "Shit!" I mumble and jump out of the shower. I quickly run to my room and pick out an outfit which consists of a white Hollister t-shirt and some Armani jeans and Timbalands. I put on some of my Calvin Klein cologne and realise that this was Tia's favourite scent. I try to erase the memory out of my head but it's no good. "Calvin Klein is such an attractive cologne, which makes me more attracted to you;)" I read the text she sent me ages ago when we first went out together,when I realised she loved his smell. "You're attractive just the way you are. Don't change or I'm leaving you!" I remember texting back to her. "Sure thing, I love you loads." she texted back. "I love you too baby." Tears start to form in my eyes and drop onto my phone screen. I quickly wipe my eyes and my phone buzzes with a reply from my mom.

"Hey honey! Miss you loads, and no I didn't forget I got you the best present ever. Dad says we will be at the airport in fifteen minutes. Be there or I'll kill you! Love you my teddybear and see you soon honey.
Lots of love,
Mom x "

I smile once I acknowledge what she sent me and I grab my keys off my dressing table and head out to the airport. I take my Lamborghini as it is quicker for me and I get to the airport in ten minutes. I cautiously wait for my parents arrival, and immediately stand up once I see two familiar faces. It was my mom and dad. "MOM! DAD!" I scream making a few people look at me but I don't care what they thought. I gave my mom the biggest hug and I done that masculine handshake/shoulder bump with my dad. We had a 'thing' going on, you see. "I missed you so much honey!" my mom says, with the biggest smile on her face. "So did I, son." I faintly smile to my parents, who I'm ecstatic to see. "Come on, let's go home and have a nice dinner as a family." I say, hand-in-hand with my parents and their luggage trailing behind. This day could not get ANY better.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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